29 August 2024 – Finding Confidence In God’s Word

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 29th August 2024


Nehemiah 13 and Psalm 119:41-48 (NIV)

Finding Confidence In God’s Word


Nehemiah 13 and Psalm 119:41-48 (NIV)

(Vincent Hong, Chairperson, Mandarin Ministry)


Psalm 119:41-48 (NIV)


A few verses stood out clearly to me:

• verse 41:  the psalmist wrote beautifully that God’s mercy never fails us and His salvation is promised in His Word

 • verse 42: the psalmist put his trust in God’s Word

• verses 43 & 44: he asked God for power to speak the truth  and promised to keep it continually, forever and ever

• verse 46: He would not be ashamed and would not fear any form of disapproval.


As I reflect on the various times I’ve had the chance to share God’s Word with friends and colleagues, I realize that I’ve never quite felt the same confidence as the psalmist who wrote Psalm 119. Often, I’ve tried to steer clear of conflicts and avoid debates. This isn’t due to a lack of faith in God’s Word, but rather a fear that I might not convey His message clearly and effectively, and even worse, lead others away from Him. Instead of being someone who guides them toward Christ, I fear that I might be the reason for turning them away from Christ.


Recognizing that I might be reproached when sharing my testimony and  God’s Word, I understand that the best way to respond to opposition  is to be rooted in His Word and be grounded in His teachings, through regular Bible reading, studying, and memorizing scripture . The only way to overcome my fear and lack of confidence to speak His Word boldly is to adopt the mindset of the psalmist who wrote Psalm 119, by consistently meditating on God’s Word.


Lord, I pray for self-discipline to make time to study Your Word and meditate on it daily. Please open my spiritual eyes to the truth of Your Word, so that I will be equipped with Your wisdom and the words of my mouth will speakYour truth. Help me Lord to be a light to this world and the salt of the earth, so that my life radiates Your message of love, joy, peace and hope. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!

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