28 October 2022 – Seek Only God’s Commendation

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 28th October 2022


2 Corinthians 10 and Psalm 88 (NIV)

Seek Only God’s Commendation


2 Corinthians 10 and Psalm 88 (NIV)

(Audrey Ng, Chairperson, Children’s Ministry)


2 Corinthians 10 (NIV)


This letter was written by Paul to the church in Corinth to assert that he was a true apostle of Jesus Christ. Paul’s letter was filled with instructions on how he and the Corinthians should think and act as disciples of Christ:

1.  Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ (v5) – Believers have divine power to demolish strongholds, arguments and pride/pretension raised against the knowledge of God and thus bringing every thought to obedience to Christ.

2.  Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord (v17) – Paul will not compare himself with those who commend themselves as they are foolish to measure themselves against their own standards.

3.   It is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends (v18) – Paul points out believers who are proud of themselves or their service to God when they compare themselves to others. What is the true standard of comparison and can we meet God’s standard for commendation? The standard is set by Christ who had perfect obedience to God, which we all fall short of.


1.  The Spirit will test my thoughts and attitudes and give me divine power to make my thoughts obedient to God. God demands our thoughts to be holy and I will submit my thoughts to Him and submit to the renewing of the mind.

2.  Verse 17: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord” is cross referenced in the Bible with Jeremiah 9:23-24, which instructs that believers should boast that they have the understanding to know the one true God who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth. This reminds me that I should speak/boast about the God I know and understand, and guard against boasting of wisdom, strength or riches (Jeremiah 9:23).

3.  Paul is saying that the Christian whom God will commend is not the one who is self-satisfied because he perceives himself as doing more in service to God than he sees others doing, but the one who has his eyes only on Christ; who is striving to achieve the same perfection in faith, obedience, and service to God and others that Jesus exhibited.


I seek only God’s commendation and want to place every thought under the authority of God in obedience. When I think of my perceived achievements which make me proud in my work, family life, ministry, or education, I will give thanks to God. I will  remember my covenant to submit and surrender all things for His glory and service: whether in doing or suffering, in working or being set aside, being praised or criticised, being full or empty, having all things or having nothing.


Dear Father in heaven, my heart’s one desire is to please you alone. Take captive of my thoughts and search my heart, renew my mind, purify my heart and deliver me from prideful thoughts. Empower me to submit and surrender all things for your glory and service. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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