28 June 2024 – The Terrible Exchange

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 28th June 2024

The Terrible Exchange


2 Kings 23:31-35; 24:1-17 and Psalm 106:16-33 (NIV)

(Wee Yeun Ling, SGM Core Team member)


They made a calf in Horeb and worshipped a metal image. They exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox that eats grass. They forgot God, their Saviour who had done great things in Egypt, wondrous works in the land of Ham and awesome deeds by the Red Sea. (Psalm 106:19-22 ESV) 


When I read about how the Israelites exchanged the glory of God for the image of an ox, it feels so plainly obvious that this exchange is one of terrible value for them. Why would anyone agree to enter such an exchange? 

The truth is I too am at risk or am guilty of this terrible exchange. A calf in ancient times represented sustenance (security), status and success. I am guilty of this terrible exchange when I do not value my time with God. I chase the images of security, status and success when I prioritise work, family or my social life ahead of spending quality time with the Lord. 

If I do not spend time with God, I forget the great things and wondrous works that He has done for me. In turn, I forget the unsurpassed value of the glory of God and I get myself into terrible exchanges which may cost me the eternal riches that God wants to bestow upon me.  


I need to recognise the worthiness of God, so that I do not end up making terrible exchanges for things that mean so little when compared to the glory of God. 


  • To value my time with God. Do not sacrifice this time for other tasks that may seem important or urgent. 
  • Spend time in God’s word so that I do not forget God’s unsurpassable character, love and power. 
  • Recount the great things and wondrous works that He has done for me, so that I do not forget His glory and be distracted by lesser things that seem important. 


Lord, Your glory and worth is matchless. Help me to recognise the true worth of Your glory, so that my heart will be transformed to love You more. Help me to value my time with You, in reading Your word and in praising You. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 


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