28 June 2023 – God’s Restorative Love

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 28th June 2023


Hosea 11, 12 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

– God’s Restorative Love


Hosea 11, 12 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

(Tan Hai Chuang, Assistant Leader, Zone 8 SGM)


Hosea 11, 12 and Psalm 122 (NIV)


God’s love for his chosen people, Israel, is very great. But Israel often turned away from God, and gave in to their bent to sin. Time and again, the Israelites indulged in lies and deceit, and made treaties with pagan nations like Assyria and Egypt.

God yearns for Israel to repent and return to Him. He is ready to welcome them, and restore them. But if they remain stubborn and do not repent, God will repay them for their sins; Israel will not escape God’s justice.

Jerusalem is where God’s people go up to praise His name. We are to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (the household of the Lord).


  1. In my daily life, I often fall short – pre-judging people, being impatient, and sometimes speaking harsh words. When I do so, I lose my peace and joy, and also my close walk with God.
  2. I realise there is not much good within my own human nature. I am prone to sin, and even though I repent and ask God for forgiveness, I tend to fall short again not long after.
  3. Despite these numerous shortcomings of mine, God forgives me and accepts me. When I confess my sin and return humbly to Him with a contrite heart, He restores me, and grants me true peace and joy in my heart. I am so, so thankful.
  4. God’s restorative love has taught me to show the same love to others.


  1. I will treat people with the same kind of love and grace that God has shown me.
  2. When I come across those who have different points of view, different outlooks and different attitudes from mine, I must remember to be kind, patient, and not be quick to speak or judge.
  3. The same applies when I serve in church ministries and committees. Sometimes we may have different opinions, different preferences and different ways of doing things. But as brothers and sisters in Christ, let us encourage and build each other up (1 Thes 5:11). Let us uphold unity in the Household of God, the Church.


Father God, create in me a clean heart, and renew a right spirit within me. Thank you for forgiving me my sins, and accepting all my weaknesses and inadequacies. Thank you for your amazing grace and love. 

Teach me to treat people with the same kind of love and forbearance that you have shown me in my daily walk.

In Jesus’ precious name I pray. Amen.

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