…But Who Are You?
Acts 19:1-22 and Psalms 28:1-9 (NIV)
(Terence Tan from Small Group Ministry)
Acts 19:1-22 (NIV)
What struck me, as I read the passage in Acts, was the challenge posed by the evil spirit to the sons of Sceva.
The seven sons of Sceva tried to imitate the power of Jesus by invoking His name to drive out spirits. It appears that this was for personal gains. They encountered an evil spirit who said that he knew Jesus and Paul, but did not know who the seven sons of Sceva were. They were then severely beaten by the man possessed by the evil spirit.
In contrast, Paul went about Ephesus preaching the baptism of Christ and spoke boldly about the kingdom of God. He trained his disciples and over two years managed to ensure that Greeks and Jews in Asia heard the word of the Lord. Paul had genuine power from God and could do miracles in His Name.
The challenge “who are you?” strikes me as a question of identity. In the military, I was an officer. In the corporate world, I was a senior manager. And since young adulthood till now, I have always identified myself as being a Christian. So, who am I? If I claim to be a Christian, am I walking the talk? Have I shared, like Paul, with pre-believers about the wonderful redemptive power of believing in Christ? Have I ensured that, within my sphere of influence, the word has been preached? Sadly, I must confess the answers are not nearly enough.
I pray that I continue to identify and behave as a follower of and witness for Christ in my daily living. During my personal devotions, I want to reflect more on my identity in Christ and how to better lean on the Holy Spirit to be who He wants me to be.
Dear Jesus, give me the faith to boldly proclaim Your love and redemptive power to the community that I am involved with. I ask that the Holy Spirit continues to guide me in my daily walk and that I remain faithful to Your calling. In His name I pray, Amen.