27 October 2023 – Preach The Word In And Out Of Season!

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 27th October 2023


2 Timothy 4 and Psalm 93 (NIV)

Preach The Word In And Out Of Season!


2 Timothy 4 and Psalm 93 (NIV)

(Rebecca Yong, Missions PTM)


As I read through these passages, 2 Timothy 4:1-8 and 14-18 really stood out to me. 


Paul has always inspired me through his life, passion and ministry especially when I started seeking God about the direction of my life many years back. Listening to these words from Paul again not only brought about a sense of heaviness as he spoke about his impending death [v6] but also a strong dose of spurring to continue to hold on to God’s Truth and preach the Word in every season [v2].  

One of the things that inspired me the most about Paul is how focused and single-minded he was in living out his calling and carrying out the mission God had given him. He understood his mission to proclaim the gospel to the Gentiles and showed me that no opposition, persecution or death threats could possibly stop him from obeying God and fulfilling God’s mission for him [vv16-17]. He was unstoppable!

This is why he was able to say with full confidence that he had given his all in carrying out God’s mission for him [v6]. And he was confident that God would award him the crown of righteousness [v8]. I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith [v7]. What powerful words these are because I knew how Paul lived his life through the accounts in the Bible. I hope to be able to utter these same words when the Lord decides to take me home, that I’ve indeed given my all, completed His mission for me and held on to His Truth. 

In view of his pending departure, Paul challenged and invited Timothy to join him to preach the Word in every season, reproving, rebuking, exhorting and teaching others so that they hold on to God’s Truth and not give in to false teachings and myths [vv1-2]! Not only that, Paul reminded Timothy to not be dragged away by those who are turning away from the Truth, but to stay clear headed, endure hardships in the midst of preaching the Word to others and be focused on fulfilling God’s mission for him [vv3-5]. 


Like Paul, I aspire to be someone who’s single-minded and focused on God’s mission for me. By the grace of God, He has always been very clear with me about His mission for me at every season of my life. In this next season, I am privileged to be given the opportunity to help mobilize the church to bring the gospel to the nations, especially the next generation. 


There is still much work to be done. I am fully aware of the mandate God has given me as a believer, a disciple, a follower of Christ, and a full time worker in His field i.e. to preach the Word in and out of season. 

I will certainly continue to share my faith with my family, my friends who do not know Him, and anyone whom God has brought to my path. I will preach His Word at every given opportunity so that everyone has a chance to hear the Good News and respond to Him. 


Dear God, thank you for the privilege to bring the Good News to the nations and those around me. Grant me the courage to preach your Word even in the midst of opposition and difficulties. Help us as a church to be your witnesses to those around us, in our family, our workplaces and our schools so that many more will come to know and experience you personally. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. 

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