27 May 2024 – The Standard Of Testing Is God’s Word

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 27th May 2024


1 Kings 13:1-34 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

The Standard Of Testing Is God’s Word


1 Kings 13:1-34 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

(Victor Chan, PTM for Pastoral Care Ministry)


1 Kings 13:1-32 (NIV)


1 Kings 13:1-10 recorded an unnamed man of God who was committed to His Word. He was so obedient to God’s Word that he would not give in to King’s Jeroboam’s enticing invitation. However, in 1 Kings 13:11-32, the unnamed man of God was “tricked” by the old prophet’s distorted claim and returned with him. As a result, his disobedience brought judgement upon him where he died a violent death and was not buried in the ancestors’ tomb.

I was reminded of the time when I was a “hungry” young believer who desired to study, listen and obey God’s Word. I would listen and absorb all the teachings and claims taught at the pulpit like a “sponge”. After all, those who preached are God’s anointed ones, surely nothing could go wrong. I have no reason to doubt or distrust. I wanted to obey God in every way. 

Little did I know that at times, some of these “teachers” taught distorted principles and claims that contradicted God’s Word. Thankfully, my mentor was there to guide me in my spiritual growth. He taught me that teachings and claims to revelation from God need to be tested, and God’s word is our standard of truth. He also mentioned that even though pastors and preachers are God’s anointed ones, after listening to their messages and claims, I should make every effort to diligently check their preaching and teaching against God’s Word.


I am thankful to my mentor who gave me wise counsel in my spiritual formation years as a young believer. As a result, I have always made it a practice to check against God’s Word what I have learnt from the pulpit. This has sharpened my mind and kept me close to God. I am more able to discern especially if I hear any teachings or claims that contradict God’s Word.


I will always and continue to be diligent in the checking and studying of God’s Word before applying it to my daily life. I will hold fast to God’s Word and obey Him and not be easily detoured by others.


Father God, help me to be diligent in the studying of Your Word. May the Holy Spirit guide and enlighten me so that I will always trust and obey You. Help me not to be detoured by others that claim to be representing You, especially people whom I have no reason to distrust. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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