27 June 2024 – Grateful Assurance Of God’s Perfect Plan

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 27th June 2024


2 Kings 23:1-30 and Psalm 106:1-15 (NIV)

Grateful Assurance Of God’s Perfect Plan


2 Kings 23:1-30 and Psalm 106:1-15 (NIV)

(Wilson Tan, SGM Zone 7 APCZL)


Psalm 106 recounted how God heard the suffering and cries of His people and led them away from captivity in the exodus from Egypt. Yet while in the desert, the people forgot about what God had done for them and chose to follow their own desires. 2 Kings 23 told of how King Josiah realized the sins of his people and rallied the people of Judah and renewed their covenant to follow God and keep His commandments. King Josiah also did away with the pagan priests and destroyed the places and articles of idol and pagan worship throughout Judah. 


It is all too easy to believe God’s promises and sing His praises and then quickly forget the good which God has done in our lives. Instead, we distract ourselves with our pursuits and turn a blind eye to obey God. It usually takes a bad situation to happen to us before we remember that we have strayed far away from God.  When King Josiah realized how far he and his people had strayed from God, he not only acknowledged their sins but took decisive steps to do something about it. He ensured the complete removal and destruction of all sinful practices and the causes of sin so that the people will not be distracted from their covenant to follow God. No other king could compare to King Josiah’s commitment to turn back to God. 


I should critically examine the areas of my life which have taken my attention away from obeying God. I must be bold to remove the causes and habits of sin completely in my life so that they do not distract me from living a life which abides in God. I should be humble to seek God’s help to turn my eyes back to focus on Jesus. 


I will devote time every day to read His Word, to pray and to remind myself to dwell on His assurances and the things that God has done and the miracles He performed in the Bible. Then I will begin to recognize the power of God and the miracles He performs in my life every day!


Oh God, You are good and Your love endures forever! Give me a thankful heart for I need not worry about making plans on my own. Remind me of Your goodness and that I can trust in Your care and provision for me always! Amen.


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