27 February 2024 – Don’t Be Afraid, Just Believe

LENT 2024 | DAY 12 | Tuesday, 27th February 2024


Mark 5:21-43 (NIV)

Don’t Be Afraid, Just Believe

LENT 2024 | DAY 12

Mark 5:21-43 (NIV)

(Sylvia Yeo, Associate Lay Leader)

It was only upon studying this passage more closely that my eyes were opened to the lesson we can glean when we compare the two overlapping stories or miracles. Jairus was a synagogue leader, much like a church leader of today, known to many in the community and his daughter was very precious and loved. In comparison, the other woman with a blood disorder was unclean and unknown. The similarities are intriguing.  Both are about the healing of two women – a 12-year-old young girl and an older woman who had been ill for 12 years. Both stories revolve around ‘touch’. Jairus asked for Jesus to put His hands on his daughter so that she would live. The woman only wanted to touch Jesus’ cloak to be healed. Jairus had money while in contrast, the woman had little as she had “spent all she had” (verse 26). We also see the faith of the father and the faith of the woman. Everyone knew the girl was healed when she walked around. In the other story, no one, except Jesus and the woman, knew that she had been healed of her blood disorder. 

Both Jairus and the woman were desperate in pursuing Jesus, and they had the faith that He could do something for them. Jesus’ healing was a miracle of blessing. 

Jesus saw the faith in the woman and did much more than heal her. As an unclean woman, she was not supposed to be in public, let alone be near a rabbi. Jesus did more than heal her as He made it public that her faith had ‘healed her’. She no longer needed to shun people because of her illness. If Jesus did not do that, she would continue being an outcast, and always feel she had ‘stolen’ a blessing. In Jesus acknowledging her, all would know that the ‘Rabbi’ had accepted her, and they should as well.

When Jairus’ daughter died and hopes of Jesus saving the girl had been dashed, Jesus’ words, “Don’t be afraid; just believe” (verse 36) are a powerful reminder that faith in Jesus Christ is all that is needed.

Sin is the root of every sadness, brokenness, and suffering. I recognise the truth that a world which denies God is also one that is hopeless. If Jesus willingly desires to restore everything that my perfect and good Father in heaven had intended for me, why am I still seeking solutions outside of Him, thinking that I know better? Lord, during this season of Lent, help my unbelief. I trust in You to restore everything in Your perfect time and lead me in ways everlasting


1.  Both women desire the touch of Jesus to be healed. What is the touch from Jesus that you need today? Commit it to Jesus.

2.  What is the faith that you see in the two overlapping stories in this passage?

3.  What is preventing you from turning your fears into faith? Why is it so difficult to “just believe”? 

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