27 December 2024 – Aligning With His Heartbeat

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 27th December 2024


John 17 and Psalm 69:1-18 (NIV)

Aligning With His Heartbeat


John 17 and Psalm 69:1-18 (NIV)

(Gaius Ho, Communications)


John 17:20-26 (NIV)


This passage (John 17:20-26) records Jesus’ prayer for all believers, present and future. What a privilege it is that our Lord has each of us in His heart!

What was Jesus’s heartbeat at that moment when He prayed for us? I have gleaned three key themes:

  • Unity: Oneness with our Triune God and with each other.
  • Reflection: Displaying His glory and image.
  • Salvation: That pre-believers may come to know God through our lives.


At the beginning of His prayer, Jesus asked, “that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you” (17:21a). The concept of being ‘one’ is repeated in verse 22, and in verse 23, He asked for “complete unity.” Verses 21 to 24 emphasise our union with God (“in us,” “in me,” “in them,” and “with me”). These references underscore the importance of living in unison with God and in unity as the body of Christ (1 Corinthians 1:10).

Verse 22 also tells me that I bear the reflection of Jesus’ glory, which is both an undeserved privilege and an enduring responsibility. I am reminded that the life I live is a testimony of my salvation and relationship with God (verse 24).

By maintaining a close relationship with God, being obedient to His will, and bearing fruit for His glory, others may see God’s hand at work in my life and come to know Him.


Grateful to be part of His redeemed, I will cherish this relationship with God and remain in continual communion with Him.

I will strive to keep my eyes on Jesus, seeking His will and allowing Him to guide and lead me so that His glory may be evident, even as I am a work in progress.

I will remember the importance of unity in any work I do with fellow believers, for in unity, we are more effective in communicating Christ’s message, and others may be led towards Him.


“Amazing love! how can it be that Thou, my God, shouldst die for me?”

Thank You, Lord, that by Your grace and mercy I am undeservingly part of Your Kingdom plans. As I look forward to the new year ahead, thank You for the goodness and faithfulness You have shown me in the days past. I pray for strength and grit to keep my focus on You, and vigilance and wisdom in this journey with You. All glory be Yours and Yours only. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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