27 August 2024 – When One Door Closes, Another Opens

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 27th August 2024


Nehemiah 12:1-26 and Psalm 119:25-32 (NIV)

When One Door Closes, Another Opens


Nehemiah 12:1-26 and Psalm 119:25-32 (NIV)

(Liu Yueh Mei, Chairperson, Info Sys Committee)


Psalm 119:25-32 (NIV)


Daleth (4th letter of the Hebrew alphabet) is the fourth section of Psalm 119. Daleth means “Door”. When a door shuts on us, we feel desolate and rejected – like what is  described in verse 25, “I am laid low in the dust”. How much lower can we get to be in the dust? What do we do? Stay in the rut or get out? The psalmist tells us to take the focus away from ourselves and the dust that we are in. First, we need to go to God’s Word, confess our sins and be teachable (v26). We should ask for wisdom in understanding God’s Word and recall His wonderful deeds (v27), pour out our weary soul to God and allow Him to strengthen us according to His Word (v28). We should also pray that God will help us resist sinful ways and receive His grace and wisdom (v29). As we align ourselves to God’s Word, we will see the “door” open before us. How should we ride this new path? Choose the way of faithfulness (v30), hold fast to God’s laws (v31), not giving in to the demands of the world. The result of focusing on God is a positive change in our hearts and minds (v32) to embrace what’s beyond the door that God opens for us.

This reading reminds me that when a door is shut, instead of trying to solve the problem in my own way, I should  turn my eyes upon Jesus, confess my sins, sing His praises, remember His wonderful deeds and give thanks, so that my understanding will be broadened and I will see and recognise the door that God will open for me.


Whether a door is closed or opened, I shall give thanks, remember the goodness of God and trust in His everlasting love and abundant grace. When my eyes are upon Jesus, there is no problem that is too big.


Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for this verse to me. Thank You for Your love and grace. Help me to always remember to first go to You, in good times and especially so in the worst times. Help me understand Your Word and abide by Your laws. Keep me from deceitful ways and grant me courage to choose the way of faithfulness. In You I receive strength to go through every new door opened to me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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