I Can Conquer Sin Through Freedom In Christ
John 8:1-30 (NIV)
(Foo Yu Da, Chairperson, Witness & Evangelism)
Despite the unbelief of the Jewish leaders (John 7:45-53), Jesus again went to the temple courts at dawn to teach (v1-2). There, the woman caught in adultery was brought before Him. Jesus’ encounter with the woman showed me His heart in reaching out to sinners. He did not condemn the woman but instructed her to leave her life of sin (v11b). In the following verse, Jesus called the people to follow Him so that they “will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (v12). The final portion that spoke to me in relation to the above was to believe in Jesus to conquer death (v24).
The ongoing struggle with sinful inclinations is a real challenge to me. They strike when I least expect it, making me feel discouraged when I fail to live up to how I know I should. Today’s reading is a powerful reminder that Jesus feels for sinners like me and is always reaching out to me. First and foremost, I am reminded that despite my sinful inclinations, He does not condemn me. It is by His grace that I am able to live a life without giving in to my fleshly inclinations. I cannot do it by my own strength and I certainly will never be able to escape from this struggle by condemning myself. Instead, I need to focus on Jesus, to follow Him in His grace, truth, love, and to believe in His divine nature and power to transform me towards the light of life, and away from a life of sin. No matter how many times I fail, I will continue to focus, follow and believe in Jesus’ transformative power for my life.
I will pray daily and remind myself that I have been freed from condemnation through the grace of Christ. I will have the light of life by focusing not on myself, but on following and believing in the divinity and power of Christ my Lord and Saviour
Reflection Questions:
1. How have you been trying to overcome temptations?
2. What has been helpful or unhelpful?
3. How would a close relationship with Jesus empower you in your struggles and to “leave your life of sin”?