26 June 2024 – The Word Of God Needs To Be Alive And Active In Our Lives

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 26th June 2024


2 Kings 22:1-20 and Psalm 105:39-45 (NIV)

The Word Of God Needs To Be Alive And Active In Our Lives


2 Kings 22:1-20 and Psalm 105:39-45 (NIV)

(Desmond Chan, SGM Core Team member)


2 Kings 22:1-20 (NIV)

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ” (Romans 10:17 (NIV)). King Josiah’s reaction and subsequent action upon hearing the words of the Book of the Law being read is a good model for us to emulate, even as we continue in our Bible Reading Drive (BRD).


That the Book of the Law was found by Hilkiah the high priest inferred that it was lost somewhere in the temple and hence not read regularly.

We too can lose the Book of the Law in our own temple when we are swamped in the busyness of daily life and daily Bible reading gets de-prioritised and takes a back seat in our lives.

When King Josiah heard the words of the Book of the Law, he tore his robes.

How are we affected by what we read in the Bible? Does it invoke in us a sense of repentance, a sense of awe, a sense of praise and thanksgiving? Do we take time to read, or do we quickly skim through our Bible reading passage to check off our to-do list for the day?

Josiah applied what he read. He gave orders to inquire of the Lord. He was not just a hearer but a doer of the word of God. We too should do likewise by putting into action what we read in the Bible through daily obedience.

His action of obedience moved God to delay the consequences of disobedience for Josiah and his people during his reign. In the same way, if we choose to obey God’s word in our respective workplaces (eg. school, home, corporate marketplace, etc), God can change the situation for us.


I will spend time daily with God through Bible reading.

I will apply what I read in the Bible in daily obedience.


Each time I read God’s word, I will jot down an application to obey (eg. patience and self control when driving, to use positive words to encourage, rather than cynical sarcastic words, etc).


O Lord, help me to discipline myself to read your Word daily. Let it be a delight that it becomes a priority that I look forward to each morning. May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable and pleasing to You. Amen.

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