25 June 2024 – Pray For Our Government Leaders

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 25th June 2024


2 Kings 21:1-26 and Psalm 105:23-38 (NIV)

Pray For Our Government Leaders


2 Kings 21:1-26 and Psalm 105:23-38 (NIV)

(Sim Bee Leng, Small Group Leader)


2 Kings 21:1-26 (NASB)


2 Kings 21(NSAB) opens with Manasseh, son of Hezekiah, becoming king of Judah at the age of twelve years old and he reigned 55 years in Jerusalem. The rest of the chapter chronicles the evil that Manasseh committed in the sight of the Lord during his reign, the prophecy against Judah because of these abominations and his death. Manasseh was succeeded by his son Amon who continued his father’s wickedness. He reigned for two years before his own servants conspired against and killed him. The chapter closes with Josiah, Manasseh’s son becoming king in his place.


Manasseh’s reign of 55 years was longer than that of any of the other kings of Judah. It was a remarkably long and remarkably evil reign. He undid the reforms of his father Hezekiah and brought Judah back into idolatry. I am reminded that leadership has consequences and the choices made by leaders can lead nations astray. It underscores the importance of righteous leadership and the severe consequences of idolatry. 

As Singapore prepares to celebrate 59 years of independence on 9 August 2024, I am thankful to God for blessing us with capable and upright leaders, past and present, who have led Singapore well and maintained good governance. Despite its tiny size and the lack of natural resources, the island has succeeded against the odds to emerge on the world stage as a major commercial hub, financial centre, and global player. I believe that this is not merely due to effective leadership but also to God’s grace and favour upon us.


1 Timothy 2: 1 – 2 (NSAB) exhorts Christians to pray for “…kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity.” I must not take good leadership and our country’s continued success for granted. I should pray for our leaders to love righteousness and hate wickedness (Psalm 45:7) and that they will govern well with a spirit of humility.


Dear God, thank You for the men and women whom You have placed in our government leadership team. Bless them with Your divine wisdom and mind of Christ so that they will make wise decisions for the benefit of Singapore and her people. Place in their hearts a reverential fear of You so that they will always seek to do what is good and right in Your sight. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!

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