24 June 2024 – One Faithful Prayer; Three Specific Answers

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 24th June 2024


2 Kings 20:1-21 and Psalm 105:1-22 (NIV)

One Faithful Prayer; Three Specific Answers


2 Kings 20:1-21 and Psalm 105:1-22 (NIV)

(Terence Tan, SGM  APCZL)


2 Kings 20 (NIV)

We encounter a period when King Hezekiah faces death, makes a plea and surprisingly receives from God specific answers to not just his plea but added blessings. This occurred despite the fact that Hezekiah made a mistake in showing off his riches to the son of the King of Babylon. 


When Isaiah prophesied to Hezekiah that he faced imminent death and to prepare for it, Hezekiah’s immediate response was to pray to God. In his prayer, Hezekiah reminded God of his faithfulness.

Due to Hezekiah’s tearful prayer, God through Isaiah agreed to : 1) extend his life by 15 years, 2)  save Hezekiah and his city from the King of Assyria, and 3) protect this city for God’s own sake and for His servant, David’s sake.

Hezekiah asked for a sign that the Lord will heal him, and God made the shadow on the stairway of Ahaz move back ten steps.

Berodach-baladan, son of the King of Babylon, visited Hezekiah as the latter was sick. Hezekiah, perhaps due to his pride, showed off all his wealth to the visitors. Isaiah then foretold to Hezekiah that there will be a time when all his wealth and some of his sons will be taken away to become eunuchs  in the King of Babylon’s palace. Hezekiah accepted God’s prophecies and even considered it “good” as that meant there would be peace and security during his lifetime. 


I am thankful that currently I am in good health and not facing any major life issues. When faced with an imminent life changing circumstance, I should learn from Hezekiah to “turn my face to the wall” and pray immediately. This turning my face to the wall suggests a period of quiet and solo contemplation with the Lord. How God will frame His response to my prayer is less important than to know that if I had been faithful, I should trust in His faithful response.   

A secondary application, I believe, is to learn contentment, and not to compare my circumstances with others. 


Regardless of the circumstances I face, I will continually turn my face to the wall to pray. A period of solo contemplation and reflection with the Lord should refresh my spirit, and give me encouragement to face the challenges of the period ahead. Secondly, I will learn to be content in whatever circumstances, as this is what the Lord has given me, and to put away any envious thoughts or desires. As it says in 1 Timothy 6:6-7 (NIV): “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.”  


Dear Jesus, help me prioritise on a  daily basis a period of quiet contemplation with you. Help me to pursue righteousness,  godliness,  faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness, rather than the pursuits of the world. Allow me to trust in your provisions, no matter the circumstances I face. Finally, teach me to learn to be content. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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