24 August 2022 – Hearing God, Holy Life

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 24th August 2022


Jeremiah 19 and Psalm 24 (NIV)

Hearing God, Holy Life


Jeremiah 19 and Psalm 24 (NIV)

(Celine Sia Su Lin, Assistant Zone 2 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Jeremiah 19; Psalm 24 (NIV)


God tells His prophet Jeremiah to use a clay jar to illustrate His message to His people. But unlike in chapter 18 where God was still exhorting His people to obey Him (the lump of clay could still be remodelled), in chapter 19, God had passed judgement on them and told them that He will bring a terrible disaster upon them, as they had refused to listen to Him. In a very vivid way, Jeremiah went to the garbage dump of the city and smashed the clay jar there. The jar represented the shattered people of the nation, “beyond all hope of repair”. Because of the people’s wickedness, sacrificing their children to idol gods, God will allow invading armies to kill them and reduce the city to ruins. God declared through Jeremiah that all the homes of the city, including the king’s palace will become like the garbage dump, because God saw that the people persisted in worshipping idols in their houses.

Psalm 24 asks “Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?” and “Who may stand in His holy place?”, and the answer emphasises the critical importance of purity and holiness in our worship of God, in stark contrast to the evil and defilement described in Jeremiah.


In the month of August, I set aside dedicated time with others to pray for our country. I pray that Singapore will continue to have a righteous government and her people will always be united in pursuing goodness, never wickedness, and may God protect us from evil “idolatry” of any kind. As for personal application, I seek to be holy in the midst of easy slippage to worshipping the “idols” of this world. I want to listen carefully to God and obey, including through discerning carefully any warnings from His saints and prophets in the community of faith around me. Jeremiah’s words were rejected by the people who chose instead to listen to those who lied about hearing God and who gave the so-called “good news” but actually it is not, refusing to convey God’s call to turn from their wickedness. I am also mindful that I must not take the cleansing blood of Jesus for granted, even though God in His loving kindness will forgive and not “shatter the jar” irreparably if I truly repent. Instead, I want my hands to be clean and heart to be pure, and to seek the face of my Saviour every day. This is so that I may glimpse and be amazed by the King of glory even now, while looking forward to standing in His holy presence on the mountain of the Lord one day. 


I want to be more attentive and discerning in hearing God’s Word and be sensitive to the prompting of the Holy Spirit lest I miss His rebuke and do not realise I have slipped into worshipping modern day idols of busyness, worldly successes, and mindless entertainment. Instead, I want to focus on seeking God on His holy mountain each day. 


Father God, I am so grateful and thankful for Jesus, who clothes me in righteousness that I do not deserve. But for the blood of Christ, the clay jar of my life would be smashed given my wickedness. Thank You that I am able to come directly to You Lord for guidance, but I pray also that I will hear clearly from the community of saints who You use to speak to me, and turn away from any sinful living. Help me to never put my trust in idols, but always lift my eyes to the King of glory, the Lord Almighty. In Jesus’ name I pray.

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