23 May 2024 – Walking In The Presence Of The Lord

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 23rd May 2024


1 Kings 9, 1 Kings 10 and Psalm 83 (NIV)

Walking In The Presence Of The Lord


1 Kings 9, 1 Kings 10 and Psalm 83 (NIV)

(Sarah Khoo, PTM for Children’s Ministry)


My devotion is focused on 1 Kings 9: 1-9 and 1 King 10:1-22 (NASV).


Solomon finally completed the building of the house of the Lord. God appeared to Solomon to affirm that He had sanctified the temple and  His presence would be in the temple forever. To me, it was important for God to affirm His presence in the temple that Solomon had built. Solomon was reminded to walk in God’s ways.  

What did God require of Solomon? He was to walk with the Lord, to obey and be guided by God. Daily walking with the Lord would guide Solomon to live according to God’s way. God also promised Solomon that his descendant, the chosen one, will be on the throne forever. The fulfilment of this only came through Jesus, who is a descendent of David through his son Solomon (Matthew 1:6-16).

God warned Solomon that if he disobeyed the Lord God and did not keep God’s commandments and serve other gods, God would cut off Israel from His presence. Solomon would be able to keep this instruction only by walking obediently with God and letting God guide his life.  Daily walking with the Lord was evidence that God’s presence was with Solomon. The purpose of this warning was to show to the world that Israel was only a great nation because they honoured God, lived in obedience to God and hence His presence was with them. 

As I reflect on this, I realise that walking obediently with the Lord is critical in my life with Christ as it is evidence that the presence of God is with me. It is the Holy Spirit that enables me to walk faithfully with the Lord God. 


I do wish for the riches of Solomon’s wealth as mentioned in 1 Kings 10. But, will it bring me closer to God? My conviction is, living in the presence of the Lord is more blessed. Coming to God daily and spending my time with Jesus daily is much more rewarding.


I will come to God daily through quiet time, prayer, reading and meditating on the Word daily. I am in a privileged position as I serve in full time ministry. Here, I experience God daily through my service.


Lord Jesus, I am thankful for Your presence in my life. I am grateful for You guiding me to walk in  Your  way every day. May I always be reminded that  You are with me forever.  In Jesus’ name, Amen

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