God Shepherding Our Lives: Certainty In Uncertain Times Or Certainty, When Life Isn’t
Acts 15:36-41; 16:1-15 and Psalm 23:1-6 (NIV)
(Desmond Chan, from Small Group Ministry)
Acts 15:36-41; 16:1-15 and Psalm 23:1-6.
The world we live in is seldom smooth going. What can we do, when we encounter bumps and storms in our lives that threaten to throw us off course? May this devotional reflection of Acts 15: 36-41 and Psalm 23:4 bring encouragement in your discipleship journey.
Most of the time when we encounter life’s challenges, we pray and we want Jesus to say, “Peace, be still!” over our situation and all our troubles disappear immediately. In Acts 15:36-41, we see that even when doing ministry in Church with mature Christians, we can expect things not to go smoothly as we read about the sharp disagreement between Paul and Barnabas. But God usually wants us to go through life’s storms – with Him in the storm. So what are the ‘rod and staff’ in our lives when we journey through life’s darkest valleys and storms (Ps 23:4)? For me, my ‘rod and staff’ are:
God’s Word. I find the promises and truths found in the Bible a source of comfort, strength and encouragement for life’s troubles and uncertainties. How else to discover and know these promises and truths but to spend time reading the Bible diligently each day?
The Holy Spirit. God Himself, in the person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit in our lives is Immanuel, God With Us (me). The Holy Spirit’s in-filling and empowerment gives me the (super human) strength and courage to overcome fear, disappointments and discouragement.
Prayer. It’s like my spiritual “iPhone”, where I can connect with God in good and bad times. Our mobile phones are constantly with us and we reach for them throughout the day. We should treat prayer in a similar fashion and practise praying regularly, not occasionally. As I journey and grow in my discipleship journey, I’m learning to reach out and pray as a first response rather than as a last resort.
We need not fear the uncertainties in life because we worship a God where all things are possible with Him (Matt 19:26). Reminds me of the song, Impossible Possible from Lakewood Music which says, “…. Only You can make the impossible possible”.
I will apply Ps 23. I will learn that I lack nothing when God, The LORD Who Provides, is my Shepherd.
I will learn more and more each day not to fret when circumstances don’t go my way, but to trust and depend on God in all aspects of my life.
Prayer to be my first response and not a last resort for all the challenges that I face in my life.
Give thanks, rejoice and reflect often for what God has blessed me with rather than complain about what I don’t have.
LORD, whenever I fear the uncertain future, remind me that all the days ordained for me were planned by You before one of them came to be (Ps 139:16), Amen.