22 May 2024 – Am I Glorifying The Name Of The LORD?

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 22nd May 2024


1 Kings 8:1-66 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

Am I Glorifying The Name Of The LORD?


1 Kings 8:1-66 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

(Samuel Tan, PTM for Family Life Ministry)


1 Kings 8 (NIV)


This chapter describes the dedication of the Temple that King Solomon built for God’s Name.  In his dedication prayer he recognized that this Temple could not contain the glory of the living God (1 Kings 8:27).  God was above all things and could not be contained by anything.

Acknowledging the great power, glory, and majesty of the living God, Solomon proceeded to pray on behalf of the Israelites, knowing that the LORD was the only one they could turn to.  God was the source of their provision and blessing in the promised land.  Solomon even prayed for non-Israelites who had heard of the Name of the LORD, that God would be gracious towards them when they turned to Him for help. His Name was the only Name that mattered in all the earth (1 Kings 8:43).

God’s ‘Name’ is mentioned thirteen times in this chapter.  What is the significance of God’s Name?  Names are essential to relationships, as a person’s name connects to his or her identity and individuality.  God’s name stands for Himself.  When God’s name is placed on an entity, this marks  His ownership, for example, the Temple.


  1. It is not so much a sacred geographical locality or place that God’s presence can be felt. Rather, it is the relationship that we have with the living God that enables us to draw close to God as He draws close to us.  Knowing and calling upon God’s Name and knowing personally who God is enable us to enter into  His presence.
  2. We should pray on behalf of our non-Christian friends that they may know and hear of our God’s Name, that they will call upon God’s Name in times of need and our God will answer them.
  3. Our motivation in life should be to glorify God’s Name. The Name above all names.


  1. I will continue to actively wait, seek and listen to God in my personal time with  Him.
  2. I will remember to pray for my non-Christian family members.
  3. I should check my motives in my relationships and ministry—are they glorifying God and making nHis Name known.


Dear God, thank You for making  Yourself known to me.  You are my loving Father, my Saviour, and my indwelling life-giving Spirit.  Grant me compassion and empower me to touch lives for Jesus, especially, those who need You.  May my life be one that seeks to glorify Your name.  I ask for more of You in me, and less of me.  In Jesus’ wonderful name, I pray.  Amen.

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