22 June 2022 – Trusting In Times Of Trouble

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 22nd June 2022


Acts 23:12-35 and Psalm 113 (NIV)

Trusting In Times Of Trouble


Acts 23:12-35 and Psalm 113 (NIV)

(Leonard Au, Chairperson, COSC Migrant Ministry)


Acts 23:12-35 (NIV)


We read in this passage a plot by the Jews to kill Paul in an ambush. The plot involved Paul as a prisoner, being brought before the Jewish council on the pretext of establishing the facts of the accusations leveled against him. The Jews numbering about 40 would then attempt to kill Paul before he gets there. Paul’s nephew, however, heard of the plot and warned Paul about the impending attack. This information would then reach the ear of the commander who arranged for safe passage for Paul to the governor Felix for adjudication.


Paul had been warned by his nephew who somehow got word of the plot to kill Paul. I would think that such a plot would have been veiled in a degree of secrecy and only those involved would know. I can only think it’s by God’s design that Paul’s nephew got this information and when this information was reported to the commander, he believed it and took action. In the same way, God chooses to bring His plans for me into fruition through means which I sometimes feel very uncomfortable about because I don’t have much control over them.

When the commander decided to do the right thing and take Paul under heavy escort to the governor, Paul had no assurances that the commander would make such a decision – one that would anger the Jews who had shown their determination to kill Paul by vowing to abstain from food before killing him. This degree of uncertainty unsettles me and shows me how much I would need to trust God and be assured of His plan for my life if I were ever in a situation like this.  


I think of all the times in the past where I was in situations that I hardly think were a matter of life and death, yet I found myself struggling to pray as the first step. I struggled to trust that God is in control and would have a path that is secure for me. In this age of trying to attain as much material wealth as I can, I would want to craft a certain kind of future I think is ideal. Trusting God where it seems like there is little to no assurance of such a future, seems foolish. I need to cultivate the trust in God that Paul has shown in the face of mortal danger and trust even in people who seem like they have their own agenda.


Almighty Father, as we the church transit from a phase of uncertainty due to the pandemic to one of recovery, I pray that we will also have a renewed sense of where we have been called to in this world. I pray for hearts to be trusting in your plans for us and not lean on our own understanding. I pray for your continued guidance and grace to be upon all of your servants as we discover what it means to pick up our cross and wholeheartedly follow you. All these I pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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