22 February 2024 – The Condition Of My Heart

LENT 2024 | DAY 8 | Thursday, 22nd February 2024


Mark 4:1-20 (NIV)

The Condition Of My Heart

LENT 2024 | DAY 8

Mark 4:1-20 (NIV)

(Chan Wai Lup, Chairperson, Discipleship & Nurture)

When I first read the parable of the sower many years ago, I understood it to mean that a person can respond differently to the Word of God depending on the condition of his heart, which can be represented by one of the four different types of soil in the parable. One’s heart can be hardened, or shallow, or crowded or willing to accept and live by the Word of God. Of course, I had wanted my heart to be the 4th type, one that is fully ready to live by God’s Word. But I have come to realise in my years of being a Christian, that my heart goes through all four different conditions in response to God’s Word.

There were times when I chose to harden my heart by rejecting God’s instructions in specific circumstances. When I first became a Christian, I was also dating a non-Christian. It took me almost six months to obey God’s instruction not to be unequally yoked. When my heart was hardened, I could not receive God’s Word as truth to be obeyed.

As a young Christian entering National Service, I discovered that most of my platoon mates were non-Christians. I was often laughed at when I read the Bible at night under a torchlight. I thank God for the courage not to be deterred by this. As I allowed God’s Word to take root in my heart, I also began to develop deep convictions in many biblical truths. This did not happen overnight, but it took many years for my heart to grow from being shallow to being deep in faith.

I started work at a time when many were after the 4Cs (cash, credit card, car and condo). The lure of a better life led me to invest in what I could not afford. When recession occurred in the 90s, I was hit hard and worried about how to make ends meet. My heart was crowded by the pleasures and cares of this world. Only when my heart was broken and contrite could God till it to make it fertile, so that I am willing to trust and obey His Word. 

Heavenly Father, I confess that my heart is inclined to stray from You. I need constant examen and searching by Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for Your mercy and grace in dealing with my heart. Help me to always keep it receptive to Your Word and put in me a desire to obey You in every aspect of my life. With Your help, may I bear fruit for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen!


1.  Have you experienced difficulty in accepting God’s Word as truth? Do you sometimes find it hard to obey? How can you ensure that your heart is more receptive and rooted in God’s Word?

2. How can you keep your heart from being crowded out by the lures and worries of life? What are the areas you need to surrender to God?

3. What does it mean for you to bear fruit for God in your life?

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