22 August 2024 – Word Of God – CONVICTION

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 22nd August 2024


Nehemiah 9:1-21 and Psalm 118:1-14 (NIV)



Nehemiah 9:1-21 and Psalm 118:1-14 (NIV)

(Paul Gwee, Associate Lay Leader)


Nehemiah 9:1-21 (NIV)


I noticed how the Israelites in fasting as well as remorsefulness gathered and segregated themselves from other foreigners. This significant act was to set themselves apart for God by spending a quarter of the day reading His Word.  This shows how much they treasured the Word of God! Indeed, it is always more valuable than gold (Ps 19:10).  I am reminded of 1 Tim 3:16, 17: “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete, fully equipped for every good work.” 

I believe the Israelites were convicted by the Holy Spirit to confess their sins and the sins of their forefathers upon reading and reflecting on His Word,   followed by worshiping and rejoicing in the LORD for another quarter of the day. It must have been such an overwhelming sight to see them turning from despair to joy. What a blessed difference between being burdened by sin and being released to worship the Lord.  Better a day in the Lord’s House than a thousand days elsewhere.

As Psalms 66:18 states, “If I had cherished sin in my heart, the Lord would not have listened.”  Confessing their sins enabled the Israelites to worship God freely and have faith that He was listening to them.


This passage not only reminds me of the importance of setting aside a sacred time for reading God’s Word but also to intentionally reflect on His works, what He has been doing in my life and family as my Sovereign Creator, Deliverer, Forgiving and Redeemer God, Yahweh.  It is only through constantly dwelling  on God’s Word that my heart will be deeply anchored in it. I will also be convicted to confess my sins and be cleansed by the blood of Jesus.


I will

  • set apart in my daily schedule time to be alone with God no matter how busy I get;
  • read and reflect deeply on His Word;
  • repent and confess my sins;
  • rejoice and worship the Lord.


Lord Jesus, I confess that it has been a struggle to set apart time to dwell on Your Word.  Help me daily not to rush into the world but to first be immersed in Your Word.  Help me to reflect, confess, trust and obey. In His Name, Amen.

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