22 August 2023 – My Hope & Stay

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 22nd August 2023

– My Hope & Stay


1 Corinthians 10, 11:1 and Psalm 139 (NIV)

(Madeleine Foo, PCZL Small Group Ministry, Zone 9)


Psalm 139 (NLT)


Psalm 139 reflects the psalmist, David’s heart of worship as he pondered on the awesome wonder of the attributes of God.

(1) The omniscience of God (God is all knowing)
God knows everything about David, all his thoughts, movements & speech even before a word is uttered (V1-4).

(2) The omnipresence of God (God’s presence is everywhere)
David could not get away from God no matter where he went (V7-12).

(3) The omnipotence of God (God is all powerful)
God created David’s inmost being & saw his unformed body.  All the days ordained for David were written in God’s book even before one of them came to be (V13-16).

The Psalmist also talks about the care, love, blessing and guidance of God.

As I read, I draw a lot of comfort and assurance from the following verses:

“You go before me and follow me.
    You place your hand of blessing on my head.” (V5)

“…Your strength will support me.” (V10)

“How precious are your thoughts about me, O God.
    They cannot be numbered!” (V17)


When feeling overwhelmed by responsibilities and events beyond my control, V23 reminds me to ask God “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts.”

I am not to try to solve the problems in my own strength but to turn to the Lord for guidance as He is all knowing, He is ever present with me and He is all powerful to solve the issues. Nothing is too difficult for Him.

In my flesh, I am frail and can succumb to temptations and sins that are offensive to a holy God.  Temptations & sins not pleasing to God can come in the form of envy, lust of the eyes, unforgiveness, anger and pride.  The psalmist reminds me of the importance of regular heart checks and asking God to “Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life” (V24).  


God knows everything about me.  How can I know God?

  1. The psalmist says in Psalm 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.”

I need to practise being still before God in silence and wait for Him to speak to me.  This is not easy as I am usually the one unloading all my problems and requests to God.  I am still working on it.

  1. Reading the Word of God daily helps me to know Him as God reveals Himself through the Scriptures. 
  2. Communion with God through prayer.

Since God knows everything about me, I need to guard my heart and my thoughts & not sin against Him.

As I have the sovereign Lord who accompanies me in my pilgrimage on earth, I shall not fear challenges, disappointments & other upheavals come my way for the Lord is my Hope & Stay.

I shall learn to rest in the shadow of HIS wings as My God is all powerful, ever present and all knowing.


High God of heaven, thank you for being my Hope & Stay during my sojourn on earth.  You are my Maker, Sustainer, and Deliverer.  May you grant me the eternal faith to walk the path you have set out for me. In Jesus’ name I Pray. Amen!

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