21 June 2024 – Guarding Against Idolatry

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Friday, 21st June 2024


2 Kings 18 and Psalms 104:10-23 (NIV)

Guarding Against Idolatry


2 Kings 18 and Psalms 104:10-23 (NIV)

(Kenneth Lui, SGM Core Team, Zone 4A)


2 Kings 18: 3-6, three verses that succinctly speak about the righteousness of King Hezekiah.


Given that the first two commandments in the Bible (“You shall have no other gods before Me; You shall not make idols”) address the concept of idolatry, it is important that we tackle this issue in our walk with Christ. In these verses, King Hezekiah did not hesitate to destroy idolatrous distractions and objects, even if they had a significant historical meaning behind them (like the bronze snake from Moses).


Modern day idolatry looks very different from what we read about in history, where people worshipped statues and objects. At its root, idolatry is simply putting anything in our lives ahead of God, or anything that takes God’s place in our hearts. Some of these could come in the form of possessions, careers, relationships, hobbies, entertainment, goals, or even addictions. It is not the case that we are not allowed to enjoy good things bestowed upon us, but we should be mindful of the posture of the heart in our pursuit of these things. We are called to do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31), but when we shove God out of the way in our zealous quest, or if we focus all our time and energy on earthly things with little leftover to spend on God, that is when we must be careful not to fall into idolatry.


I will give thanks and remember that every blessing in my life comes from God.
I will guard my heart, energy, and time against the idols of the world.
I will pray for wisdom and discernment that my motives are pure in glorifying God.


Lord, I give thanks for all the good things  You have placed in my life. Teach me to use the resources  You have given me for the furthering of Your Kingdom. Give me wisdom to glorify  You in all the things I do, instead of seeking praises for myself. Help me to remember that all things come from You and are not accomplished by my own strength. Amen

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