21 February 2024 – Whoever Does God’s Will

LENT 2024 | DAY 7 | Wednesday, 21st February 2024


Mark 3:20-35 (NIV)

Whoever Does God’s Will

LENT 2024 | DAY 7

Mark 3:20-35 (NIV)

(Adam Leong, Chairperson, Family Life Ministry)

As I reflect on my journey during this Lent season, I ask myself if I have been true to the person I professed to follow and worship, Jesus Christ.

Being a Christian is not just about reading the Bible, praying, tithing, serving in church…etc. No doubt, these disciplines are important in leading me to a closer walk with God. However, after reading the above passage, what struck me was verse 35, “Whoever does God’s will…” 

Don’t get me wrong, all the spiritual disciplines I mentioned earlier are surely what God wants us to do but is there something more to the Christian life beyond these? What does it mean to be a Christian in my workplace, or during leisure activities with friends who are not believers? 

My point is, have I segregated or compartmentalised God in areas of my life where my will is done instead of His? Sadly, there have been more times than I can remember when this has happened. It is a struggle to forgive people who have hurt me, and love those who would rather have nothing to do with me.

It is in these challenging moments that God will gently ask if I have denied myself and carried my cross before I followed Him. The sequence is important because if I just follow Him without denying myself, I will have no cross to bear and I end up “doing Christianity” the way I like.

During this Lent season, Jesus reminds me of His obedience to our Father, by not only living a sinless life but also by paying the ultimate price with His life at Calvary for my sins. He has also sent His Holy Spirit to empower me to live a life that can glorify Him.

My prayer is that as I continue my faith journey of becoming more Christ-like (day by day, moment by moment), I will not focus on how much I know about God (head knowledge), but how much He is being reflected in my life (heart transformation), through my thoughts, words and deeds.

Will others see me as a brother of Christ?

I hope this will be your prayer as well.


1.  What does Christlikeness mean to you?

2.  What is the one main challenge in your spiritual journey towards Christlikeness?

3.  What would it take for you to overcome this challenge?

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