20 October 2023 – Train Yourself For Godliness

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 20th October 2023


1 Timothy 4 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

Train Yourself For Godliness


1 Timothy 4 and Psalm 87 (NIV)

(Giam Lay Hoon, Disciple Facilitator)


1 Timothy 4 : 6-16 (NIV)


Paul  wrote to Timothy  to  :

  1. Be trained in the words of the faith and the doctrine (v6)
  2. Have nothing to do with the irreverent , silly myths or  trends   (v7)
  3. Toil and strife for godliness, for it is valuable in every way, not just for the present life but for the life to come (V7 – 10)
  4. Not neglect the gift that was given to him (Timothy), the gift of preaching, teaching and exhortation) (v14)
  5. Keep a close watch on  himself (Timothy)  (including his behaviour and his teachings) (v16)

The Word tells me that “strictness” is not the same as “legalism”.

Legalism is the idea that I gain merit by striving and working to comply with commandments, charters, regulations, precepts, and guidelines. However this is untrue. I am saved by unmerited grace.

However, it is not cheap grace, it is not hyper grace.

Strictness is the dedicated pursuit of holiness, training and striving towards godliness, so that I do not depart from the faith, so that I am focused and immersed in the pursuit of Christ-likeness.


My journey of discipleship is more than legal compliance of laws. These are in fact simple enough, but they are not the point.

I know that by grace Jesus keeps me from falling and is able to present me faultless unto the presence of God’s Glory with exceeding joy! (Jude 1; 24). I simply have to keep following Him.


In the cacophony of life, yes, even church-life, it is easy to merely follow rituals and programmes, all meticulously documented and articulated without any real understanding, resulting in no outward transformation of a life rooted in Christ .  

 I have to strive to be conscious of not merely complying, but live a life of godliness- always displaying a temperate countenance, carrying great joy, being hospitable, gentle in deeds and words, pleasing to our Lord (1 Timothy 3).


Dear Lord, I thank you for the gift of salvation through your son, Jesus Christ. Give me the vision and the knowledge of how to live a life of godliness. This so that I may claim your promise of a better life, not just in this life, but in the next.

Lord, make me like You, Please make me like you
You are a Servant, Make me one too
O Lord, I am willing, Do what you must do
To make me like You, Lord
Just make me like You


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