2 October 2023 – “Being A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ”

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 2nd October 2023


Philippians 2 and Psalm 70 (NIV)

“Being A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ”


Philippians 2 and Psalm 70 (NIV)

(Josephine Loo, Chairperson, Property Management)


Philippians 2 (NIV)

Philippians 2:1-5 Paul writes of Christ’s example of unity in love, joy and humility in spirit and purpose.

Philippians 2:6-11, Paul further gives examples of how God wants us to follow him in order to seek out our salvation in eternity.


From verses 1-5, Paul calls us to live in unity with Christ and amongst our neighbours. The joy derived from our actions are the result of being one in spirit and purpose with Christ. In doing so, we do things out of love, not for ourselves but truly find joy in doing things that benefit others. In other words, we become more Christ-like and rejoice not for our own gain but with others even when it does not benefit us at all. Paul also calls us to be humble, always considering others better than ourselves, lest we become conceited and proud. 

From verses 6-11, Paul emphasizes Jesus’s qualities, how being born in human form, He humbled Himself and became obedient, even to death on the cross. It was because of this obedience and blameless self-sacrificial love that God exalted him to the highest place so that as His disciples we confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. 


Through the teachings of Jesus Christ, and his eventual death on the Cross, the example that He set seems almost impossible and difficult to follow. How do I become more giving, more loving, less prideful and more humble?

In my daily interactions with others, God wants me to live harmoniously with others, to be the salt of the earth and light of the world. In my job, I work in teams to get projects delivered. Whenever there are differences, God calls me to be the voice of reason and calm, not taking sides to benefit myself, but doing what is right, always heeding God’s promptings. When there is pressure from deadlines, God wants me to be the listening ear, the helping hand and giver of encouragement. When there is victory and celebration, God wants me to remember the blessings that made things go smoothly, the people who gave their time and effort to help accomplish things and to give thanks to God for making it all possible. 


As the salt and light of the world, our outlook on life and how we carry ourselves reflects not only ourselves but also God. As we are purposefully entrusted to help our neighbours from falling into sin, we are to focus on God, trusting him to guide and lead us to follow Him,  as His obedient disciples. 

As Jesus Christ’s disciple, I pray I will continually imitate his ways, be grounded on His Word, to be more giving, loving, encouraging and humble like Christ. 

In verse 12-18, Paul encourages me to follow Christ’s good deeds and example. Focusing on His goodness and rejoicing when I eventually complete my earthly journey, I am reminded of the eternal life that I will inherit when Jesus comes again. 


Heavenly Father, I thank you for your Word today. I pray that I will remember your Word. Keep my heart tender to recognize your promptings, a discerning mind to read between the lines and a 20-20 vision to recognize the temptations that lead me away from you.  Send me angels to remind me of your commandments, keep me pure and righteous to do and say the things that will let others know that I am a disciple of Christ. Above all, help me to apply your standards of grace and love. May your Spirit be around me to guide and test me. Send your angels to protect and help me and I pray that your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Amen.

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