2 May 2024 – After God’s Own Heart

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 2nd May 2024

After God’s Own Heart


2 Samuel 8:1-18; 9:1-13 and Psalm 69:1-18 (NIV)

(Cassandra Leung, PTM, Children’s Ministry)


For this devotion, I have chosen to focus on 2 Samuel chapters 8 to 9.


In chapter 8, we see the successes David had in many battles that the surrounding regions became subject to him, one after another. He was king over Judah and king over Israel and conquered the surrounding regions. “The Lord gave David victory wherever he went.”

David’s kindness was evident in the next chapter, in particular to Mephibosheth (son of his good friend Jonathan). David gave Mephibosheth everything that belonged to Saul (Mephibosheth’s grandfather) and his family and permitted Mephibosheth to eat at his table just like his own sons. He also charged Ziba (Saul’s servant), his family and servants to serve and provide for him.

Here are some of my observations of David’s virtues that we can emulate:      

  • David was honest. He brought with him articles of silver and gold and bronze from the victories and dedicated them to the Lord. He did not fall for greed nor did he claim his own glory, He aimed at the glory of God.
  • David governed God’s people by God’s principles, doing what was just and right for all his people.
  • David was faithful to God.    
  • David was courageous. He knew that God was with him in every battle.      
  • David was kind, fair and generous. Saul was David’s sworn enemy. However, David cared and enquired about Saul’s household, got to know about Mephibosheth, took him in and returned what was due to his family line. He was of a charitable disposition and forgave what they had done to him.
  • David was committed to God.
  • David was modest. He grew to be popular and his influence increased from his victories but he knew and acknowledged that the Lord was behind his successes.


You and I can be like David, to be a person after God’s own heart and make a difference. God’s first commandment to us is to love Him, and also to love others.


I want to aim to think and do things that are just, fair and kind. Especially, when I have not been treated justly, fairly or kindly. I want to be kind in forgiving others, seven times seven. I want to make sure that I am fair in the way I treat them.


Dear gracious Heavenly Father, teach me to be like David, to be a man (woman) after Your heart. I know it is not an easy straight forward journey with the temptations and distractions of the world. Where I have fallen short in my relationships, I ask that You guide me to do what is just and right. Draw me near to You so that I can walk right with You.
We pray in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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