Devoted Together
Acts 2:1-47 and Psalm 2:1-12 (NIV)
(Chan Wai Lup, Local Church Executive Committee and Discipleship and Nurture)
Acts 2:1-47 (NIV)
This passage describes the Day of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit descended on the early believers, empowering Peter to preach the gospel, leading thousands to repent and accept Christ as Messiah and Lord.
What spoke to me is what follows in verses 42-47. The Spirit-filled believers lived out their new life in Christ by devoting themselves to:
- The apostles’ teaching
- Fellowship
- Breaking of bread
- Prayer
They did these frequently through meeting together and sharing to meet one another’s needs. The word “together” is repeated and stood out for me. I believe the above expressions of their togetherness helped many to respond to the gospel they preached.
While I devote myself to reading and studying God’s Word on my own, and spending personal time with God in prayer, I’m reminded that there is an important place for group study and corporate prayer. Our church has given me opportunities to participate in group studies like DISCIPLE and Precept-Upon-Precept, as well as corporate prayer on Wednesdays, within my small group and ministry groups. If anyone asks me to pray for them, I am reminded to do so together with them on the spot if possible.
Devoting myself to God’s Word also means living out my life in obedience to Him. Togetherness means that I do not walk my discipleship journey alone, and it is important for me to have like-minded Christians to walk alongside me.
The application of breaking bread does not restrict me to Holy Communion, but also includes fellowship meals as well as meeting the needs of fellow believers through sharing what I have, including my abilities and time.
For 2025, I am committed to sign up for one group study course in church. I hope to continue to do 1 to 1 Bible reading and sharing with fellow brothers-in-Christ. These will give me the opportunity to share and pray with fellow Christians beyond my small group and ministry groups in church.
Dear heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit and a spiritual family in Wesley Methodist Church. Thank You for reminding me that in my journey of faith, I should not walk alone. Help me not to neglect meeting together with members of my spiritual family frequently, to encourage, to share and to meet one another’s needs. May our togetherness be a testimony to others that they may be drawn closer to You through Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen!