2 February 2024 – Trust In The Lord

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Friday, 2nd February 2024


Judges 10:1-18 and Psalm 32 (NIV)

Trust In The Lord


Judges 10:1-18 and Psalm 32 (NIV)

(Nicole Shen, Small Group Leader (Zone 14))


Psalm 32 (NIV)


Verse 9 spoke to me: “Be not like a horse or a mule, without understanding, which must be curbed with bit and bridle, or it will not stay near you.” (ESV)

There are four parts to the Psalm. It takes us through David’s experience of sin, confession and forgiveness, and his exhortation to others. The first segment contrasts the experience of the man whose sin is covered with the pain David felt when he “kept silent” (v3). It shows the great joy he felt when he subsequently confessed his transgression to the Lord, covered in the second segment. 

In the third segment, he uses his experience to encourage others to trust in the Lord and pray to Him in need. In the fourth segment, he then emphasises the importance of his teaching, warning people to “be not like a horse or a mule” (v9) which obey under duress, without understanding. He urges them to listen and understand his teachings in order to be godly men who have nothing to fear, having only joy and gladness. In contrast, he warns that the wicked are burdened with many sorrows, likely because they do not trust the Lord to deliver them from trouble. 


Reading this Psalm, I am reminded that there is nothing I can or should hide from the Lord. Often, I gloss over my wrongdoings because of shame or a misplaced fear of punishment. But verses 3 and 4 make it clear that He sees our deeds and the burden of hidden sin drains us of life. I have felt this burden in hiding the truth from others – how much worse it is to hide from God who already knows our hearts! 

The part about not being like beasts of burden which perform because they are goaded into doing so is something that resonates with me. This BRD reflection is a timely reminder that it is so important to understand God’s will instead of having to be pushed to do what is right. 


I must seek God daily and stay rooted in His word. Rather than reacting instinctively, or leaning on my own understanding, I will trust in God, both in good and bad times, but especially in times of trouble. I should go to Him in prayer when my heart is heavy and “confess my transgressions” (v5) because being forgiven is a great joy and blessing. It is not easy to admit wrongdoing but shame or fear should never stop us from revealing our iniquities. 


Thank You Lord for the reminder that You are a loving God who forgives our transgressions. What joy it is to know that I can come to You with my burdens and that You will surround me with love. I pray that I will continue to walk closely withYou, and never be afraid to confess my sins. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

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