2 December 2022 – Have I Forsaken My ‘First Love’ For Jesus?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 2nd December 2022


Revelation 2:1-11 and Psalm 119:33-64 (NIV)

Have I Forsaken My ‘First Love’ For Jesus?


Revelation 2:1-11 and Psalm 119:33-64 (NIV)

(Samuel Tan, Pastoral Team Member, Family Life Ministry)


Revelation 2:1-7 (NIV)


John was instructed by someone “like a son of man”, that is Jesus, to write to seven churches (Rev 1:11).  Jesus commends the Christians in Ephesus for their hard work and perseverance; how they will not tolerate evil men and have the ability to discern false prophets; and that they have gone through hardship for His sake (Rev 2:1-3).

However, the Ephesus Christians have lost their ‘first love’ for Jesus. They are to repent and do the things they did at first or face immediate judgement, and their lampstand would be removed. In other words, without love the Ephesus Church will cease to exist (Rev 2:4-5).

After the warning, Jesus commends them for hating the practices of the Nicolaitans (Rev 2:6), who are according to The Quest Study Bible’s Side Column Notes, “Apparently followers of Nicolas of Antioch.  He taught falsely that Christian freedom and the insignificance of the physical body permitted believers to engage in sexual immorality and other offences without consequence.”  The Nicolaitans worked out a compromise with the secular society.

Jesus appeals to the Christians in Ephesus to listen to the Holy Spirit, to become overcomers and be restored in their relationship with Jesus (Rev. 2:7).


Heed Jesus’ words of affirmation, abolishment and reassurance — be encouraged; acknowledge failure, repent and be restored.

As overcomers, we need to deal with evil men and false teachings. But more importantly, we need to return to our ‘first love’ for Jesus!


I have to evaluate my motives in my action/service. Is it done out of love and in honour of our Lord Jesus? Or is it out of a need to be needed, to be recognised, to earn others’ acceptance, to fill a void in our soul? Or is it just a routine, etc?

I need to periodically have others check in with me if I have in some ways compromised my faith with the world.  

I will set aside time to listen to the Holy Spirit through the practice of spiritual disciplines: studying and reflecting on Scripture, praying, and investing in spiritual friendships.


Gracious Father, thank you for your unfailing love.  You seek me out and never let go even when I am running away from you.  Forgive me for compromising my faith and finding excuses for my sins.  Come alongside me as I seek to draw close to you.  May my love for you grow deeper as I continue to experience your deep love for me.  Amen.

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