19 September 2024 – God Is With Me

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 19th September 2024


Job 27 and Psalm 124 (NIV)

God Is With Me


Job 27 and Psalm 124 (NIV)

(Cheryl Seow, President, Women’s Society of Christian Service )


In reading today’s passages, I noticed a parallel theme. In Job 27, Job spoke of enduring much personal sufferings and judgement from his friends. In Psalm 124, David spoke of how God was with him amidst challenging battles.  


In sharp contrast to Job’s and David’s ordeals, I have led a blessed life. Of course, I have had my fair share of overwhelmingly challenging experiences. These include rejection, people passing judgement, and being caught in the middle of opposing parties. 

What was my response in those situations? 

I certainly was not like Job or David, both of whom instinctively sought God in their “valley-low” moments. In the heat of the moment, I would oscillate between (1) being tempted to argue, defend myself (I was, after all, a lawyer for many years!), or (2) lash out in anger and frustration, or (3) suppress any reaction and spiral into overthinking mode, ruminating over the many ways I could have responded.  


I am reminded that God is on my side. He will never leave me, if I continue to seek Him, and grow my relationship with Him. My response to challenging situations matters. How do I honour God, and be His Salt and Light, in difficult moments? 


In recent times, there are four steps I intentionally try to take. Sometimes, I do one or more or all of these. The first is to take a pause, and try to breathe slowly to slow down my heart rate. The second is to pray, lament and leave my struggles at the foot of the Cross, and  ask God to show me my flaws, how He is trying to mould me and use me in such situations. The third is to seek out His Word, to listen to His message and direction for my thoughts, actions and words. The fourth is to seek Godly counsel, and I have been truly blessed in this area, with brothers and sisters-in-Christ coming forward to “do life” with me, and keep me honest and grounded.  


My dearest Heavenly Father, there is none like You. Thank You for loving me so persistently, in spite of my sinfulness and brokenness. I pray that You will continue to use me for Your plans, during life’s “mountain-high” and “valley-low” moments. I ask for the Holy Spirit to be with me always, Amen. 

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