19 February 2024 – More Than Just A Set Of Rules

LENT 2024 | DAY 5 | Monday, 19th February 2024


Mark 2:18-28 (NIV)

More Than Just A Set Of Rules

LENT 2024 | DAY 5

Mark 2:18-28 (NIV)

(Koh Geok Cheng, Chairperson, Wesley Glowing Years Ministry)

Jesus used the illustration of unshrunk cloth and new wine bursting old wineskins to describe the Pharisees whose hearts and old ways were not changed to receive Jesus and be transformed by Him. He used the controversy about what could or could not be done on the Sabbath to explain that showing grace and love to people is more important than following a set of rules.

As I meditated on this passage, I recall the period when I was serving in a para-church organisation as an administrator. There were many rules and procedures to ensure that things worked smoothly, efficiently and effectively. I made  every effort to know the procedures well, and even prided myself on being able to enforce them on every person without exception. As I thought more about it, I realised that I had become strict and inflexible. Even my husband asked if I was treating the rules as the Bible rather than applying biblical truths. 

It was then that I started focusing on what Jesus would do and realised that discipleship is not about following a set of rules and doing a list of things. It’s about transformation that starts with a change of heart from the inside which will flow into actions that reflect Jesus’ character. 

To be a true disciple of Jesus, I need to read His Word regularly, not just know it in my head but to let His Word transform my heart. Whether at home as a homemaker, or in church as a servant of God, or in the community as a witness for Christ, I need to learn to see others through God’s eyes with a heart of love and compassion. I have to act in ways that will reflect God’s love and grace more.


1.  Jesus used illustrations to explain that showing love and grace to people is more important than following a set of rules. Why do you think Jesus  did that?

2.  When was the last time you searched your heart? In what ways does your heart need to be transformed by God?

3. In the marketplace, community, church or home where God has placed you, what is your main purpose, and how will you show more love and grace to others?

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