Choose Life!
John 5:19-47 (NIV)
(Adam Leong, Chairperson, Family Life Ministry)
As I read today’s passage to reflect and write this devotional, I asked God to reveal an area in my life that has not been pleasing to Him.
Verse 40 “yet you refuse to come to me to have life” jumped out at me.
Being a follower of Christ is a challenging undertaking. It is not about behavioural conditioning but heart transformation. It is not so much what I do as a believer but why I do what I do.
I used to think that being a follower of Christ is all about bible study, quiet time, praying, etc. Don’t get me wrong. All the above are good spiritual disciplines and should be practised.
However, when I do not allow His Word to change my heart and attitudes, when I allow sinful areas of my life to take precedence over my spiritual walk with Jesus, I am not choosing Life!
John 14:6
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Let’s be real here, it is not easy choosing Life (Jesus), sometimes.
I have a bad temper. I can get easily offended by others and if I am not careful, I will retaliate by taking revenge. I have learned that my bad temper has its roots in pride. So deep down in my heart I am prideful.
God has been gracious to me, showing me the error of my ways in what it means to forgive others (even before they ask for it), to love your enemies, and to have a humble and gentle spirit.
Ephesians 4:2
Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
It is not easy to obey Jesus, to be like Him, but He has given me the Holy Spirit to help me in my darkest trials.
You see, Jesus is not interested in what I do for Him. He is only interested if I am being transformed by His Word, the life that He lived, His amazing grace. If I am being transformed by Him, then what I do will be a response to His work in my heart.
This transformation is on-going. Day after day, as the trials come my way, how will I choose to live my life? Will I choose to allow His humility and gentleness to mould my heart or will I be stubborn and go back to my prideful ways?
I am still a work in progress and by His grace, He will carry me through as I continue to choose Life!
My prayer is that as you reflect on His Word, you will choose Life too!
Reflection Questions:
1. Is there an area in your life that has not been surrendered to Jesus?
2. Why has this not been surrendered yet?
3. What will happen if you surrender this area to Jesus?