18 June 2024 – Our God Who Cares Regardless

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 18th June 2024


2 Kings 13, 14 and Psalm 102:18-28 (NIV)

Our God Who Cares Regardless


2 Kings 13, 14 and Psalm 102:18-28 (NIV)

(Yap Siew Ling, Counsellor & Pastoral Team Member)


The following verses stood out to me.

 “So the LORD was very angry with Israel, and he allowed King Hazael of Aram and his son Ben-hadad to defeat them repeatedly. Then Jehoahaz prayed for the LORD’s help, and the Lord heard his prayer, for he could see how severely the  king of Aram was oppressing Israel.” 2 Kings 13:3-4

“But the Lord was gracious and merciful to the people of Israel, and they were not totally destroyed.  He pitied them because of his covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.”  2 Kings 13:23

 “For the LORD saw the bitter suffering of everyone in Israel, and that there was no one in Israel, slave or free, to help them.  And because the LORD had not said he would blot out the name of Israel completely, he used Jeroboam II, the son of Jehoash, to save them.” 2 Kings 14: 26- 27


Each time when they cried out to Him and even when they did not cry out to Him, He saw. He heard. He knew. He cared.  Each time, He stretched forth His hand and rescued them.  His faithfulness did not fluctuate according to men’s character or action.

Jehoahaz and Jeroboam were ungodly men.  But God could not deny Himself.  He cared too much about His people to turn His face away.  He refused to forsake them despite their disobedience and stubborn ways.


These verses made me contemplate the faithfulness and the compassion of God in my own life.  As I reflect, there have been so many occasions when I have not listened to God, trusted or obeyed Him.  I am amazed at how He never fails despite my failings and stubbornness time and again.  How comforting it is to know that we have a mighty God whose love covers a multitude of sins.  His mercies are new every morning.  Great is His faithfulness to each one of us who is His child (Lamentations 3:22-23).


Because of His great love for me, I will be faithful to Him.  I will keep my eyes focused on Him.  I will yield to the Holy Spirit’s leading so that I can discern and obey Him.  I want a heart that is filled with love and compassion for others just like the way God has for me.


Dear Merciful Father,
Thank You for  Your amazing love for me. 
I am far from perfect. 
I stumble and fall, yet Your love never wavers and Your compassions fail not. 
Teach me to live my life worthy of Your  calling – in obedience and faithfulness to You.
Teach me to see others through Your eyes and show compassion just as You did to me.
In the precious name of Jesus, Amen.

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