18 January 2024 – Grateful Assurance Of God’s Perfect Plan

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Thursday, 18th January 2024


Joshua 18, 19 and Psalms 18:1-29 (NIV)

Grateful Assurance Of God’s Perfect Plan


Joshua 18, 19 and Psalms 18:1-29 (NIV)

(Wilson Tan, SGM APCZL)


Joshua 18, 19 (NIV)


Seven of the 12 tribes of Israel had yet to be assigned the land in the Promised Land. Joshua instructed the seven tribes not to delay in possessing the land. Joshua then cast lots and distributed the land to the seven tribes accordingly. The boundaries of land between the tribes were meticulously drawn up and were well defined to identify the land which each of the tribes received from God.

The territory given to each tribe was decided by God alone as the casting of lots was done “in the presence of the Lord” (18:6).  God determined in His infinite wisdom where the tribes were placed and matched the tribes to live with each other in the Promised Land.  There were clear instructions given to set up the land boundaries between the tribes. The seven tribes had put off the task of possessing the land and Joshua chastised the tribes for the delay, suggesting that they might have been taken up by other human distractions rather than prioritizing obedience to God.  The seven tribes did not seem to value God’s gift of land but took it  for granted.


When I allow the distractions of the world to overtake me, it is easy not to recognize the gifts which God has lavished on me, not least of which are gifts of support from friends, a loving family, thoughtful colleagues and blessings of conducive circumstances to help me in my walk with God each day. This passage reminds me that God cares so much for me that every gift He brings is special and curated to meet my needs in the best possible way. He has promised me “plans to prosper [me] and not to harm [me], plans to give hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)

Like the seven tribes, I am also guilty of procrastination and putting off tasks which may seem difficult, daunting or simply inconvenient to do. But putting off doing God’s bidding shows poor stewardship of my time and resources, a lack of discipline and even a lack of faith when I doubt that I will do the job well.


I will adopt an attitude of grateful assurance that God’s plans for me are always perfect. I may not fully understand the purpose of God’s plan but I will trust and obey Him as He has my best interests at heart.

I will  not delay in doing God’s bidding or be discouraged when the tasks which God has assigned to me may be unpleasant or take up more time and effort than I am prepared to put in. Instead, I will put God first and seek to complete His tasks with joy and gladness.


Heavenly Father, I pray that I will always remember Your promise in Romans 8:28 that in all things, You work for the good of those who love You and who have been called according to Your purpose. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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