God’s Best Or Our Best?
Genesis 48 & Psalm 48 (NIV)
(Jonathan Kong, Missionary Associate, Missions)
Genesis 48:13–20 (NIV)
I am drawn to Genesis 48:13-20 describing Jacob passing on his blessing to Joseph’s two sons.
Contrary to the prevailing custom of favouring the elder son, Jacob’s giving the greater blessing to the second-born Ephraim instead of the first-born Manasseh (v14) seems strange. However, we have seen this before with God choosing second-born Isaac over first-born Ishmael.
It is with irony that we observe Joseph despite being a favoured younger son, appeared displeased with Jacob’s choice. He thought Jacob had confused Ephraim as the firstborn. However, Jacob insisted that Manasseh was to serve Ephraim (v20).
Jacob’s choice of Ephraim over Manasseh seems to be arbitrary. But there must be a reason for including this detail in the Bible.Â
I am amazed at how God chooses who He desires to use. He chose Abraham, a coward as the forefather of His people (Genesis 20:11). Jacob, the deceiver over Esau, the skilled huntsman (Genesis 27:36). Sometimes I see a pattern of God’s choice, choosing the weak to humble the strong (1 Corinthians 1:27) in order that in all things, He be glorified.
However, just when I think I have “figured God out”, Jacob’s choice of Ephraim over Manasseh, throws me off.
Meditating on this, I realise sometimes God shows me grace by revealing His reasons. However, at times I am left with a divine mystery only God, in His infinite wisdom, can comprehend. Looking at the world, I sometimes question why God chose to lift some people over others, seemingly without reason.
I wonder if I would have chosen differently.
It is through the realisation that God works in His infinite wisdom, that the foolishness of God is wiser than man’s wisdom (1 Corinthian 1:25) that I have stopped questioning the way things are. I am reminded of the lyrics of “Trust His Heart”:
“So when you don’t understand
When don’t see His plan
When you can’t trace His hand
Trust His Heart”.
I am reminded to trust God in all circumstances. He is good, wise, and all-powerful.
I have also learnt that God is not a God who is constrained by precedence. Like most of us, I like to rely on precedence to ensure fairness, and establish order and certainty. However, from these passages, I have learnt that rather than falling back on the comfort of precedence, it is much wiser to seek God. He can provide beyond what I can ever expect. God is a God who is always doing a new thing after all! (Isaiah 43:19)
I am committed not to limit God. I shall be willing to be led by the Spirit to do what God desires, despite being out of my comfort zone.
Knowing that God holds everything in His hands gives me greater peace especially when things go awry.
Dear God. Thank you that I can trust in You even in times when I cannot understand how and why things are happening. Who are humans that You, the Lord Almighty, are so mindful of us. But You have saved me through the blood of Your Son Jesus Christ and are leading me through the still small voice of Your Holy Spirit. You have shown Yourself in Your Word and I am able to have a living relationship with You through Jesus Christ. I thank you Father. I pray that You will give me Your peace when things are chaotic. Help me remember that darkness to us is like light to You. I pray that I will not limit You and be able to surrender with an open heart to You for Your purposes. I pray that You will make me a vessel that is pleasing in Your sight.
In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen.