17 September 2024 – “It’s So Unfair!”

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 17th September 2024


Job 23, 24 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

“It’s So Unfair!”


Job 23, 24 and Psalm 122 (NIV)

(Lucas Chow, Steward, LCEC)


For today’s reflection, I focused on Job 23 and 24. 

In particular: 

Job 23:2 “Even today my complaint is bitter; his hand is heavy in spite of my groaning.”

Job 24:1 “Why does the Almighty not set times for judgement? Why must those who know him look in vain for such days?”


“It’s so unfair!” I heard a child scream in a fast-food restaurant. I am not sure what was the situation which made him think he was unfairly treated. But thinking through my own life, I can recall numerous times I think I was unfairly treated or there wasn’t any justice. 

I used to think that I worked very hard and therefore deserved to be rewarded and recognized. But when the results turned out otherwise or someone else was given all the credits, I was embittered. This bitterness boiled underneath the surface and slowly I became resentful and vindictive. Harbouring such bitterness may seem “justified” at the time but it certainly doesn’t help me in my Christian living and to be more like Christ. 


Before complaining “it’s so unfair”, I must realize:

  1. God is sovereign, “He does whatever he pleases” (Job23:13). All things belong to God. All I can do or accomplish comes from Him and without Him I can do nothing. Remember that I am only a steward, therefore instead of jealousy and bitterness, I should give thanks to God. 
  2. God is just. Job 24:18-24 reminds me that God will punish those who are guilty of sin. Ultimately justice comes from the Lord. 
  3. God Forgives – “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” (Matthew 6:14). Jesus taught us the importance of forgiveness. To get rid of the bitterness in my heart, I must learn how to forgive and seek forgiveness from the people I have wronged. 



  • be mindful that God is sovereign. 
  • trust Him who loves me more than I ever know.  
  • forgive as He forgives me.

Give thanks to God in every circumstance. 

Don’t harbour hatred and bitterness in my heart lest sin takes root. 


Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for all your blessings. Cleanse my heart of any jealousy and hate and fill it with love for others. In your name, Amen. 

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