17 May 2022 – The Mission Of Submission

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 17th May 2022


Acts 1:12-26 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

The Mission Of Submission


Acts 1:12-26 and Psalm 82 (NIV)

(Pauline Yek, Pastoral Team Member, Missions Ministry)


Acts 1:12-26 (NIV)


I observe 3 things in this passage that the apostles did when they were given the assignment to witness for Christ:

  1. Upon receiving the command not to depart from Jerusalem but to wait for the Holy Spirit, the apostles returned to Jerusalem and waited for the promise of the Holy Spirit; as God promised to empower them for His kingdom work. When they arrived at the upper room, the first thing they did was constantly join together in prayer. They obeyed the Lord’s command, stayed in Jerusalem for the preparation and did not rush into action.
  2. Peter pointed out the need to choose another apostle to take Judas’ place by quoting the scriptures (Psalm109:8) and that this man must become one of them as witness of the Lord’s resurrection. Peter knew the scriptures and he was determined to see to the fulfilment of this verse in the scriptures. He took on the leadership role of this apostolic ministry, and he carried it out in obedience to the scriptures.
  3. Justus and Matthias were nominated and the apostles asked God to decide who should be chosen to take over this apostolic ministry. Then they cast lots and Matthias was chosen. They did not go by vote or by personal preference, they prayed and asked God to show them His will. 


While I wait upon the Lord to prepare me for the next assignment, this passage reminded me of the importance of having a submissive posture before God:

  1. Submit to God’s way. I realised very often I might be getting in the way of how God works by rushing into action too quickly. Even as I desire to give my best to God by making the best use of time, having a timeline on what I hope to achieve for Him, I might not have allowed God to have the space for His ways to work in and through me as He prepares me. When the apostle prayed, I believe they were praying for the kingdom work ahead before they went in obedience to be His witnesses. I know there will be uncertainties and challenges ahead and even right now I am facing a possible border closure, yet I must trust God who is all-knowing and I shall not rush into action but take time to pray and wait upon Him to lead the way one step at a time.
  2. Submit to God’s word. In John 14:23 Jesus said, “Anyone who loves me will obey my teaching. My Father will love them, and we will come to them and make our home with them.” Scriptural obedience is an expression of my devotion to God and I must intentionally apply His truth into my life so I can witness to the world how His word has transformed me.
  3. Submit to God’s will. The apostles prayed with the purpose of aligning themselves with God’s will. They trusted that God, who knows the hearts of all, would decide on the best person for the ministry. Similarly, I need to trust God and submit to His will for my loved ones for He knows what is best for them. As I prepare to “leave behind” family and friends whom I will certainly miss, I realise that each time I pray for them, He is working in me to surrender all my cares and concerns one by one.


1) Wait, pray and discern. Wait upon the Lord and submit to His way and His time. Give space for God to work and allow the indwelling Holy Spirit to inspire.

2) Meditate on His word, seek to know Him more and obey His teaching. Be disciplined in my daily walk with Him and give time for His word to take root in my heart.

3) Choose to do His will and not mine. 


Dear heavenly Father, Holy are You and Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Teach me to submit to Your way that I may follow Your righteousness. Teach me to submit to Your word that I may love You more.  Teach me to submit to Your will that I may please You in all that I do. This I ask in Jesus’ name, Amen.

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