17 June 2024 – Becoming An Authentic Disciple Of Christ

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Monday, 17th June 2024


2 Kings 12 and Psalm 102:1-17 (NIV)

Becoming An Authentic Disciple Of Christ


2 Kings 12 and Psalm 102:1-17 (NIV)

(Loke Ai Mei, COSC Director)


2 Kings 12:1-21. Joash orders the temple to be rebuilt.


Joash began his reign as king by doing that which seemed right in the sight of God. He had the high priest Jehoiada to guide and instruct him along the way as he devoted himself to repairing the temple. However, the high places (places of sacrifice for other gods) were not destroyed.

The king ordered the priests to lead in the collection of funds and overseeing of the entire restoration work.  When Joash saw that the temple repairs were not progressing well and the priests were unable to manage the tasks entrusted to them, he removed them and introduced a systematic method for the collection and disbursement of money to ensure the rebuilding was done.

Then Hazael, the king of Syria made plans to invade Jerusalem and Joash made, what would seem a foolish decision and without consulting God, to give Hazael all the treasures of Judah to appease him so as to avoid war in Jerusalem. The life and reign of Joash as king ended tragically. He appeared to start well in his service but ended poorly in the eyes of the Lord.


Firstly, what a privilege it is to be able to have a spiritual mentor in our lives to walk alongside for counsel. A mentor can provide valuable insights to help me grow deeper in my relationship with God, provide guidance and prayer support. I pray for a teachable spirit to learn from others.

Secondly, faith needs to have a strong foundation and to be deeply rooted in a personal relationship in Christ. It cannot be a half-hearted commitment. Joash kept the high places instead of removing them. However, his faith proved ultimately superficial. How is my personal relationship with God? What practical steps can I take to grow in intimacy with Jesus so that my faith is genuine and personal?

Finally, the priests were not reliable and did not fulfil their responsibilities even as they were called upon to restore God’s temple. As a disciple of Christ, how am I stewarding the resources, gifts and talents God has entrusted to me? Am I obedient and faithful, investing in matters of eternal value, loving God and loving my neighbours?


Be grateful for the elders in my life, people who give support and wise counsel. Deliberately spend time regularly examining my walk with God, praying for humility and grace to be truthful about my relationship with Christ. I want the fruit of the Spirit to guide me as I seek to be authentic, faithful in loving God, loving others and fulfilling the call to be  His ambassador.


Dear Father God, I want to grow to know You,  to love You more and to be a faithful disciple of Jesus. Spirit of the living God, purify my heart, examine my intentions. Reveal to me areas of my life where I am walking in deception and where I have been unfaithful to You. Cleanse me and give me a clean heart as I seek to turn away from evil ways.

Help me that I may live a life of righteousness and holiness, stewarding the gifts  You have given me for the extension of  Your kingdom. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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