16 September 2022 – B.T.S.

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Friday, 16th September 2022


Jeremiah 44; 45 and Psalm 47 (NIV)



Jeremiah 44; 45 and Psalm 47 (NIV)

(Doreen Soh, Chairperson, Wesley Youth Centre)


Jeremiah 44; 45 and Psalm 47 (NIV)


Through Jeremiah 44, God gave a reminder of what had happened to the people in Jerusalem. He wanted the people to see the consequence due to the “evil they have (had) done”. And what was it that they did? The people “burnt incense and worshipped other gods” that “no one knew” (v3). The word used here was “provoked” in ESV. These deeds were “provoking God to anger”. Despite God’s relentless effort in sending His servants, the prophets, the warnings He gave through them fell on deaf ears. The Bible tells us that the people “did not listen or pay attention; they did not turn from their wickedness or stop burning incense to other gods”. In v6, we saw how God’s “provoked” anger was manifested, that is, His “fierce anger was poured out; it raged against the towns of Judah…” 

We read further in verses 7-9 when God used the question word “Why?” twice and the phrase “Have you forgotten?” to His people. One may read these verses with an aching feel, like that of a parent whose child chose to forget the consequences that resulted because of a wrongdoing. We read about the consequences in verses 11-14. The Bible tells us what God will bring to the people, with words and phrases such as “disaster”, “take away the remnant of Judah”, “die by sword or famine”, “become a curse and an object of horror”, “famine and plague”.

In verses 15-19, we read about how the wives’ act of worship to other gods was condoned and supported by their husbands. These men knew no regret and continued with these acts. They compared the times when they were “blessed” with provisions because of these acts of worship to other gods with the times when they had nothing and were perishing by sword and famine because they did not perform these acts of worship.

God’s word to His people was final in verses 20-29, that is the people made their choices and hence, they would have to face the consequences.

In Psalm 47, the Psalmist exalts and lifts God’s name on high. A song that was befitting for our King.  It was a total contrast to what was read earlier in Jeremiah 44 and 45.


Let us take a step back and see things through a more modern lens. In this current context, what is the “incense” that we are burning daily and the “other gods” that we worship that “no one knew”?  Has God been giving us warnings in our lives too to return to Him? 

The current K-wave (KDrama & Kpop) has a great impact on my life. The excitement and the adrenalin rush just chatting about the latest KDrama episodes or actors can be seen in my eyes.  It dawned on me one day to ask myself whether I have the same excitement and adrenalin rush when I talk about Jesus Christ.  Am I just focusing on serving Him?  I can use all the talents and gifts that I have been blessed with but am I doing it right? What is the incense that I have been burning daily and the other gods that I worship that no one knew?


Calling ourselves children of God cannot be just service alone. Our daily incense cannot be the checks on Instagram or facebook, or actors and celebrities that we know but who do not know us. Our daily incense has to be about Jesus, our Lord whom we know and yes, He knows us. I seek and yearn to have that excitement and adrenalin rush when I talk about our dearest Lord Jesus. I am reminded to heed His warnings too. That God will give us the ears of Samuel to hear Him loud and clear and return to Him. 


Bible.Time. Sing.

(His Word. His Time. His Song.)


Our Dearest Heavenly Father, It is always about You and You alone. May You be the only one whom we burn incense to daily. Ignite in us the excitement and adrenalin rush when we read Your Word, when we spend Your Time with You and when we praise You with Your Song. To You be the Glory in how we live our lives. 

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

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