15 May 2024 – Remembering God’s Mighty Works

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 15th May 2024


2 Samuel 24:1-25 and Psalm 77:13-20 (NIV)

Remembering God’s Mighty Works


2 Samuel 24:1-25 and Psalm 77:13-20 (NIV)

(Esther Low, Mandarin Ministry)


Psalm 77:13-20 (NIV)


Psalm 77 starts with the psalmist crying to God for help. From verse 7 to verse 9, the psalmist started to doubt God’s love and promise. Then, from verse 11 to verse 12, the psalmist told himself to remember and meditate on all the mighty deeds of the Lord, His miracles of long ago.

In Psalm 77:13-20, the psalmist remembered God’s mighty works and sang praises to Him.


Seven (7) years ago in 2017, at my late husband, Michael’s death bed, Pastor Elsita held on to me and instructed me to give thanks and to praise God. At that time, Michael had had a cardiac arrest and the medical team at the ICU in Cebu Hospital were trying to revive him. I was so scared then and I was praying for God to save Michael. Her instructions confused me. Thank God and praise God? Does she already know that God will save Michael? Nevertheless, I just listened to her thanking and praising God while holding me close beside her. Eventually, Michael passed on.

I know I recovered very quickly from my grief, and was able to see God at work before, during and after Michael’s passing and experiencing God’s peace and comfort. 

  • Pastor Jhun and Pastor Elsita being there in Cebu to pray for Michael during the most critical moment, just before his passing, gave Michael the peace and assurance he needed, and in turn gave me the peace and comfort knowing that Michael was comforted. This pastor couple is from Maasin (7+ hours of journey from Maasin to Cebu) but they were there during that critical time. I have known Pastor Jhun since 2004 when I went for my first crisis relief trip. In 2006, on another crisis relief trip, I met Pastor Jhun again, this time meeting his wife, Pastor Elsita also. Though the relief trips were short trips of about a week, God facilitated building long lasting relationships between us regardless of distance.
  • Pastor Jhun and Pastor Elsita also helped to organise Michael’s funeral in Cebu.
  • I was amazed by God’s “network” when church friends prayed and connected with the pastors.

Remembering God’s mighty works, being able to thank and praise Him in difficult times, helped to build my trust and faith in God, knowing that God makes all things beautiful in His time. 

Today, I understand why Pastor Elsita kept instructing me to give thanks and to praise God then. 


I do not know how I will behave when faced with a crisis in future. I may feel  so negative that it will be difficult for me to remember God’s good works in my life then. 

So, I will list down all of God’s mighty works in my life and during difficult times when God does not seem to be responding or when I cannot feel God’s presence, I will have this ready list to remind me of God’s good works to keep my trust and faith in God strong.  


Dear Heavenly Father, indeed You are all-powerful, majestic, faithful and worthy of my trust. Father God, I pray that You will continue to protect my heart and mind, help me to always be patient to wait on you and to always remember to praise You and thank You, even in times of crisis. In Jesus’s Name, Amen!  

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