14 March 2022 – Freely Received, Freely Give

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 14th March 2022


Matthew 10:1-15 (NIV)

Freely Received, Freely Give

LENT 2022 | DAY 11

Matthew 10:1-15 (NIV)

(Ian Chng, Pastoral Care Zone 9 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Matthew 10:1-15 (NIV)


In Matthew 9, Jesus was doing all the preaching, teaching and healing by himself.  His disciples were observing and learning from him.  The crowds kept coming to him.  Jesus said to his disciples that the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few (Matthew 9:37).

In Matthew 10, it was time to send his chosen twelve disciples as apostles (the sent ones) to the harvest field.  The twelve disciples came from diverse backgrounds but all were given the same message to preach: “The kingdom of heaven is near”, and given the same authority to heal the sick, cast out evil spirits and raise the dead.  Their mission was to be both a proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. 

Jesus instructed them not to go to the Gentiles or the Samaritans but go to the lost sheep of Israel.  Jesus was the Jewish Messiah.  His mission was first to the Jews.  It was only after his death and resurrection that the Great Commission of making disciples of all nations was given (Matthew 28:19).  Apostle Paul reiterated in Romans 1:16 that the gospel was meant for all who believe; first to the Jews and then for the Gentiles.

The twelve disciples were called, taught, equipped and empowered by Jesus without cost and hence his instruction to them was “freely you have received, freely give”.  They were to trust God to provide for their needs on the journey.  It was a testing of their faith in God.

Wherever they went, they were to pronounce peace and blessing on the homes that welcomed them.  If they were not welcomed and the people rejected their message, they were to leave and these people would suffer serious consequences on the day of judgement. 


Our God is a mission God who does not wish for anyone to perish but for all to have eternal life. We are to proclaim and demonstrate the gospel through our interactions with people who have yet to know and accept Christ as their Saviour. The lyrics of the hymn “Freely, Freely” encapsulates the heartbeat of God.  

God forgave my sin in Jesus’ name, 

I’ve been born again in Jesus’ name, 

and in Jesus’ name I come to you, 

to share His love as He told me to. 

All power is given in Jesus’ name, 

in earth and heaven in Jesus’ name, 

and in Jesus’ name I come to you, 

to share His power as He told me to. 

He said, “Freely, freely you have received, 

Freely, freely give. 

Go in my name, and because you believe, 

others will know that I live.”


Our home is dedicated to the Lord and I will continue to offer hospitality and welcome the servants of the Lord when they come from abroad, or are passing through Singapore to nearby regions for the gospel ministry.  Our home will remain a place for mutual encouragement for the disciples of Christ.

As the signs of Last Days are increasingly evident, I pray for all the believers to have the boldness to share Christ’s salvation love with their families, communities and at workplaces.  


Almighty God, the world is in dire need of you.  May your Church rise up, raise resources and send more workers to the harvest field to share your love through the proclamation and demonstration of the gospel. In Jesus’ precious name I pray.  Amen.

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