14 February 2024 – Forerunners Of Christ’s Second Coming

LENT 2024 | DAY 1 | Wednesday, 14th February 2024


Mark 1:1-20 (NIV)

Forerunners Of Christ’s Second Coming

LENT 2024 | DAY 1

Mark 1:1-20 (NIV)

(Aw Choon Hui, Lay Leader)

Mark 1:2-3 (NIV)

2“I will send my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way” —3“a voice of one calling in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord, make straight paths for him.’”

I would find it difficult living like John the Baptist. His clothes of coarse camel’s hair seem itchy and his diet of locusts, while seemingly high in protein, would be hard for me to swallow. And battling wild bees to get access to wild honey is not my idea of seeking good nutrition.

I also never fully understood why God chose the wilderness to make an important announcement after 400 years of silence. Why not the busiest town square or temple in Jerusalem? Who is there to listen in the wilderness? And yet God amazed everyone when droves of people were drawn into the wilderness, away from all the distractions, just to hear a strange man herald the coming Messiah (verse 3).

In a sense, all of us are heralds or forerunners of Christ’s second coming. We have been sent amongst family, friends, colleagues, and others to testify of the love of Jesus who died for us and was raised, and who will be coming back soon. 

I find it important to step periodically into the “wilderness” to be away from what entangles me, to be attuned to God’s voice and be realigned to His purpose for my life. Going for a Strangely Warmed Retreat, mission trip, or just going to the beach to read the Bible and be still, have been spiritually rewarding and restful for me. I acknowledge that such times are difficult to carve out from my many obligations which seem more urgent. But if I do not do it, then I tend to lose focus and become less dependent on God. Such times are needed to prevent other things from taking a hold on me, just so that I can be reminded to depend on Christ alone.

John embraced his humble position as only “a voice”. He spent nearly 30 years of life in the wilderness preparing for his ministry which lasted about 6 months before he baptised Jesus and then saw most of his followers leave to follow Jesus. From John, I learn humility, for he never complained or rebelled against his short, supporting role. John was completely yielded to the Holy Spirit and that earned him high praise from Jesus Himself (Matt 11:11).

This Ash Wednesday, as the ashes are etched on our foreheads, may we be reminded of our message to the world, “Repent, and believe the good news!” (verse 15). 

Some practical steps I can take:

1.   Ask God to help me be an effective forerunner for Christ’s second coming.

2.   Set aside time to be “in the wilderness” where I can re-focus on God and be realigned for His purpose.


1. Why do you think God chose such a humble and least expected way to announce the coming of Christ?

2. How can you best fulfil your role as a forerunner of Christ’s second coming in your workplace, home or in school?

3. Are you willing to play a quiet, supporting role to others and not always seek the places of honour?

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