14 August 2024 – A Willing Heart To Do God’s Work

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Wednesday, 14th August 2024


Nehemiah 3 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

A Willing Heart To Do God’s Work


Nehemiah 3 and Psalm 110 (NIV)

(Patricia Yeo, Treasurer)


Nehemiah 3 (ESV)

Many people of different backgrounds were involved in the rebuilding of the Wall which was extensive yet seemed to run like clockwork. Under the leadership of Nehemiah, the rebuilding systematically started from the Sheep Gate and ended there to make a complete wall which was consecrated to God. 


The people involved included priests, rulers, goldsmiths, perfumers, sons and daughters of various people who were named, which showed that everyone was important to the process and were representatives of their family’s contributions to the project. It was not obvious that they had the relevant skills but there was a willingness to serve God for the common good. The people honoured their families  by supporting Nehemiah and one another. Everyone seemed to have respected one another’s work as they proceeded to do their part. No complaints were noted.


These are my takeaways from the passage:

1. Willingness to serve God is more important than skill sets as God will be pleased with a heart that honours Him. When I am asked to do something, I shouldn’t give excuses or grumble about the timing of the work and the inconvenience to me. I know that what I do can also bring honour to my family.

2. Unlike the corporate world, God’s kingdom does not place one task as more important than another. Everyone who was rebuilding the wall rolled up their sleeves to work no matter what the tasks were. Likewise, I should accept tasks without reservation as they all establish God’s Kingdom.

3. The rebuilding of the wall in this passage also leads to the restoring of lives and I believe that building one another up is one aspect of restoring lives for God’s Kingdom. I must remember to appreciate and value others when working in a team.

In God’s Kingdom, our titles and skills don’t count as much as our willingness to serve and build the community for His glory. We should emulate Christ’s humility in our discipleship and contribute what we can towards the building of God’s kingdom.


Heavenly Father, please help me to have an open heart of service and be generous with my time so that You can use me for building Your people. Let me be counted as a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ and run my race well. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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