13 November 2023 – Living Prayerfully And Courageously

BRD 2023 Daily Reflection | Monday, 13th November 2023


Amos 7 and Psalm 107:1-16 (NIV)

Living Prayerfully And Courageously


Amos 7 and Psalm 107:1-16 (NIV)

(Gaius Ho, BRD Core Team & Communications Ministry)


Reading Amos 7, two things that attracted my attention were:

  1. The Lord’s relenting of His judgement (Amos 7:3 & 6)
  2. The Lord’s Plumb line (Amos 7:7-8)


Amos began chapter 7 with visions of judgement God declared on His people, who had become unfaithful, disobedient and corrupt, a consistent situation from the start of the book. The first judgement was a swarm of locusts that would devour crops followed by a fire that would consume everything on the land and in the sea.

In both instances, Amos pleaded with the Lord and He relented.

However, the outcome of the third judgement in Amos 7 was not the same. Using the plumb line as a gauge, the Lord pronounced destruction on the city and exiled  the people as they were out of line of God’s expectations.


The visions of God’s judgements showed how far His people had strayed from His covenant and the extent of His wrath. Amos’ heartfelt and intense appeal to the Lord, however, led to His refraining from His imminent judgement. These two instances brought to mind 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV):

“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

But what about the plumb line and a judgement that God would not relent from? 

There have been  times when the Lord has impressed upon me something that I struggled to obey, such as forgiving someone who has caused hurt, or leaving a career and trusting Him totally on the outcome. And other times, it seems that the Lord is exacting a demand or standard (the plumb line) that I am unable to meet.

The plumb line is significant in construction as it determines if a vertical element or wall is perfectly upright. Critical load bearing columns perform at their maximum capacity only when they are built perfectly vertical. Any deviation could mean compromised performance and potential risk of failure.

Therein is the significance of the plumb line in Amos 7:7-8. It is not a perfection that’s impossible to attain, a demand that burdens or a standard that adds unnecessary challenges. God’s reason for the plumb line is to ensure I am able to undertake what is ahead for me in accordance with His perfect will.


Today’s reflection has re-emphasised the importance of prayer and communion with the Lord and making sure they have to be a regular part of my daily living (I Thessalonians 5:16-18).

While I know it is easier said than done, when faced with challenging directions or assignments from God, I shall accept them with courage and confidence knowing I do not journey alone (Joshua 1:9).

In difficult and trying seasons, I must bear in mind that He has the perfect plan and purpose (Philippians 1:6), and their realisation will bring praise and glory to God (1 Peter 1:7).


Heavenly Father, thank you that by Your grace and mercy, redemption through Jesus’ perfect sacrifice allows me to be part of Your family. Thank you, too, that I have You with me on my earthly journey. As Your plan unfolds day by day, I seek wisdom, courage and strength for the path before me. All praise and glory be Yours. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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