13 March 2025 – Meeting Jesus: A Life-Changing Encounter

LENT 2025 DEVOTIONAL | Thursday, 13th March 2025


John 4:1-26 (NIV)

Meeting Jesus: A Life-Changing Encounter


John 4:1-26 (NIV) 

(Tho Lye Sam, Chairperson, Lay Personnel Committee)

This passage tells the story of Jesus meeting a Samaritan woman at a well. He surprises her by asking for water, breaking cultural barriers as Jewish men didn’t usually speak to Samaritan women. Jesus then speaks of “living water” that gives eternal life, reveals His knowledge of her life, and teaches that true worship is about worshiping God in Spirit and truth. Finally, He declares that He is the Messiah.

I imagine myself as that woman, having such a life-changing encounter with Jesus! 

Reflecting on this, I draw three lessons:

1. Verse 10, ‘If you knew the gift of God…,’ takes me back to when I first received salvation through a friend who invited me to an outreach event. Her action changed my life, and I’m very grateful she planted the seed of faith in me. Now, I ask myself, how can I be a ‘seed planter’? As I reflect on Discipleship in Society, I feel God nudging me to step out of my comfort zone – perhaps to go on a mission trip, something I’ve never done before.

2. Jesus sees right through me, just as He did with the Samaritan woman. He knows my struggles, past, and weaknesses, yet He meets me with grace and mercy. I can’t hide from God; I must come to Him honestly, sharing my heart. In the same way, I should strive to be genuine with others, reflecting Christ’s love through my words, actions, and intentions.

3. “Worship God in Spirit and in truth” (verse 24) reminds me that God cares more about the state of my heart than the place of worship. While attending church is important, true worship happens when I honour Him with sincerity and align my life with His Word. By staying rooted in scriptures, praying faithfully, and living in His truth, I can worship Him daily and reflect His love wherever I go.

As I strive to live out my faith, I pray for the courage to share His gift of salvation, the humility to come before Him with honesty, and the commitment to worship Him in Spirit and truth. May my life point others to the living water that only Jesus can give. 

Reflection Questions:

1.  How would you describe the “gift of God” to someone who hasn’t experienced it?

2.  How can you show grace and love to others in our community, especially those who are marginalised?

3.  How can you cultivate a heart of true worship?

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