13 August 2024 – Only God Can Grant Us Success!

BRD 2024 Daily Reflection | Tuesday, 13th August 2024


Nehemiah 2:11-20 and Psalm 109 (NIV)

Only God Can Grant Us Success!


Nehemiah 2:11-20 and Psalm 109 (NIV)

(Aw Choon Hui, Lay Leader )


Nehemiah 2:11-20 (NIV)


Nehemiah had arrived in Jerusalem. 

Yet, he did not reveal his mission to the priests, nobles and officials who had accompanied him until after he had surveyed the extent of the rebuilding work.

When he was jeered at by Sanballat and Tobiah, he stuck to his God-given mission and trusted God to grant them success.


Have you ever faced a task that seems way beyond your capability to accomplish? It could be a work or church assignment or even a personal quest or burden that has to be done.  For me, there have been several times in my life when I have faced difficult and sometimes seemingly insurmountable tasks. But time and again, God has been  faithful and seen  me through each one even though I wasn’t always aware of His presence and help.

This scripture passage helps flesh out a few key principles for me to follow:

  1. Verses 12-15: Even a great man of God like Nehemiah needed a few trusted men at his side.  This reminds me that I need not be alone in my challenges. I am deeply grateful for the countless times God sent godly brothers whom I could confide in and be a sounding board for my muddled thoughts, and who also supported me in prayer.
  2. Verses 17-18: I found it interesting that Nehemiah first spent three days in Jerusalem and then went to inspect the walls at night. What was he doing?  Many believe that he spent the time praying, planning and seeing the extent of the work first hand with his own eyes. He did this in private before bringing the whole plan before the priests, nobles and officials. What he presented motivated them to respond, “‘Let us rise up and build’. So they strengthened their hands for the good work.” (v18b). I have found that this preparatory work, which is often hidden and laborious, is just as important, if not more so, than the public presentation itself.
  3. Verse 19: Here Nehemiah was taunted and threatened by his enemies. When you serve God, some form of opposition should be expected, whether from without or within. This can take the form of criticism, or questioning that is discouraging, even from friends who mean well. We need a spirit of humility to do some self-examination, but also need to trust God to sustain and grant us success.


When faced with difficult tasks in life, I shall:

  1. Seek out godly brothers or sisters whom I can confide in and who can uphold me in prayer.
  2. Trust God to help me in my tasks.  But I also need to do my part.
  3. Be prepared for criticism, but trust that it is God alone who will grant me success and vindicate me according to His will.


Lord, give me Your wisdom and strength to face difficult tasks and situations. And help me to trust You absolutely as I commit my work and life to You, my Lord and Saviour, Amen!

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