12 September 2022 – Courageous Conqueror Or Compromising Coward?

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Monday, 12th September 2022


Jeremiah 38 and Psalm 43 (NIV)

Courageous Conqueror Or Compromising Coward?


Jeremiah 38 and Psalm 43 (NIV)

(Victor Chan, Pastoral Team Member, Pastoral Care)


Jeremiah 38 (NIV)


Jeremiah 38 is an illustration of two distinct characters: Prophet Jeremiah and King Zedekiah. Jeremiah was arrested, accused of treachery (even though this was not true) and imprisoned in a cistern. Despite what Jeremiah had to go through, he did not falter but remained faithful in proclaiming God’s word to His people, telling them to surrender to the Babylonians so that their lives would be spared. Even when Jeremiah faced King Zedekiah, he courageously continued to proclaim the same warning message, knowing that the king had the power and authority over him especially so when he was a prisoner with his life at stake! Jeremiah spoke clearly and urgently, without compromising the truth in the midst of opposition!

On the other hand, Zedekiah, who was a king, was a compromising coward! He had all the power and authority as a leader yet he was at the mercy of his officials. He could not assert his authority, thus he did nothing to oppose them and gave in to them when they wanted to put Jeremiah to death. When Zedekiah summoned Jeremiah to converse with him, he did it secretly and even told Jeremiah not to let his officials know about this meeting. Zedekiah wanted to serve the Lord but at the same time, he wanted the people’s approval. Jeremiah revealed God’s message to Zedekiah but he continued to sit on the fence. Indeed, Zedekiah was a king who displayed a lot of flaws in his character.


How will I react when I am in a situation where I need to speak for the truth? Will I have the courage to make a stand? Will I be bold especially if I know it will cost me something? Will I twist or compromise the truth so that it will be to my advantage?

Or am I a people-pleaser, wanting to gain the approval of men? Will I act out of obedience when I am confronted with the truth? Will I be in denial, continue to sit on the fence and do nothing about it? Will I compromise my integrity or faith just for my pride? Will I accept the truth and respond accordingly?

How and what will my response be? Will I be a Jeremiah or will I be a Zedekiah?


There are always challenging situations in life. There will be times where I will have to make a stand for the truth. There will also be times where I have to confront someone with the truth. During such times, it is always very uncomfortable to stand for the truth especially if you know you are the odd one out against the rest. 

There will be two voices in my head telling me how to respond. One will be saying, “It is all right to twist the truth to my advantage so that I will still be treading on safe ground and nobody will get hurt.” Or it will be saying, “Just keep quiet about it and no harm will be done.”

The other voice will be saying, “Do not fear. Speak the truth boldly. There may be consequences but know that this is the right thing to do.”

I recall that during those times where I have to speak the truth in unfavorable situations or confront someone with the truth, God always granted me the courage to do so. Although I was fearful, He assured me that He is with me. I just have to respond out of obedience and leave the rest to Him!


Father God, strengthen my heart and impart me with Your courage so that I may serve You with boldness! Help me to be a courageous conqueror and not a compromising coward. Help me to stand for the truth and also to live a life of obedience towards You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. 

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