12 November 2022 – Living In Harmony

BRD 2022 Daily Reflection | Saturday, 12th November 2022


Ephesians 5:21-33; 6:1-9 and Psalm 102 (NIV)

Living In Harmony


Ephesians 5:21-33; 6:1-9 and Psalm 102 (NIV)

(Frances Lim, Zone 11 Leader, Small Group Ministry)


Ephesians 5:21-33; 6:1-9 (NIV) 


This passage from Ephesians 5:21-6:9 is subtitled “Instructions for Christian Households” (NIV). In verse 1 of Ephesians 5, Apostle Paul has already told the church that they are to be imitators of God and live a life of love. Now Paul goes on to examine specific key relationships. 

Paul first gives instructions for married couples and says that marriage is symbolic of the relationship between Christ and the Church. He then moves on to shed light on the relationship between parents and children and finally addresses how Christian slaves (perhaps this applies most closely to our domestic helpers) and employers should relate to one other. 


From my own experience, I know that human relationships are very important for our well-being and happiness. As a young nurse, I realised early in life that career and possessions are not very important when you are an elderly invalid; having family and friends that visit and care is everything! When relationships break down, it makes people deeply unhappy, affecting their physical and mental health. Apostle Paul wanted to instruct his young churches that good relationships and happy families please and give glory to God. They are a good testimony for people looking to see how Christians manage their lives.

When we look at this passage, we see instructions for both parties in every relationship. It’s fairly easy to comply if both parties are doing their part. But how about if one party is not? How is the wife to behave if husband is not loving her? Or parents if children are not obeying? Or employer if maid is half hearted and lazy?  Well, it seems that since poor relationships are lose-lose, we need to work at these key relationships even if we are not fully satisfied with the other party. We still do our best to live in peace and according to the Word of God.  Of course we should not do things which are wrong in the sight of God, but living with a difficult spouse, loving our children unconditionally and being a fair and generous employer set a great example and the glory goes to God. People know that we can only find strength to live this way because of the grace of God and we also have credibility to speak wisdom and reconciliation into the lives and situations of others. We set an example in word and deed.


This passage causes me to reflect on my own key relationships. Where have I gotten complacent, lazy and in a rut? Sometimes we behave in a certain way so often that we do not find it easy to change. Do I feel critical every time I see my maid and find fault more often than I praise her? Do I think I am too busy to listen carefully to my husband but find it easy to chat with friends? Am I available to help my grown children and pray for them and their families?

I purpose today with the help of the Holy Spirit to pay more attention to my key relationships and make an effort for the glory of God and for building up my own household. I purpose not to grow weary  in doing good for at the proper time  I will reap a harvest if I do not give up (Galatians 6:9).


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for the people you have put into my life. I thank you for my family and my helper who has left her own country to serve my family. I am deeply grateful for my husband, children and grandchildren. I commit my household into your hands asking for your help to make it a peaceful one filled with love and shalom peace. I pray for all the members of my household that you would help us to live a life loving, caring and building one another up for the glory of God. I seek forgiveness for any relationships that have not been great in the past, asking that by the power of the Holy Spirit you will help me to do my part to put them right. In Jesus’ name. Amen!

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